Chapter 29

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Its currently Saturday and I'm so happy that it's the weekend and I get to relax oh my goodness it feels so good.

" Micaì get up and go wash the clothes you have in.your hamper then go clean the pool and go clean the guest rooms " said dad.

" Daddy that's a lot and plus I want to go by Alyssa to watch movies " I said

" No you gone do your chores like I asked you too now get up and do it now little girl " said dad

" Its not fair how I have to do choirs when I got four brothers it's like Micaì will do it Micaì will do it " i said which i regret.

" Who the parent me or you cause last time i checked the dad is Micah Keith Stampley and the child is Micaì little girl dont make me whoop your behind " said dad

" Your the parent and I'm the child " I said

" Now get your butt up and do what I say now " said dad

Why he angry with me all of a sudden what did i do wrong cause I swear my teddy bear is really mad at me ugh .

I did wash my clothes and dried them and fold them up and put them away.

I cleaned the guests room and then I went to my room bathed and I grabbed my phone and I snucked out through the window.

Alyssa lives just two blocks away so I quickly walked to her house and I texted her saying I'm outside.

She let me in and we went up to her room and we were watching some reruns of modern family.

I hope my dad doesn't notice that I'm missing .

* *****

Micah pov

" Baby Micaì is no where to be found she cleaned the guest rooms and her clothes are washed but she isn't in her room " said my wife

" I'll go check because if she sneaked out my house again she will know " I said.

I got put of bed and went to Micaì bedroom I noticed that her window was opened so she sneaked out I took my phone out my pocket.

I went to the tracker app I have for the entire family she was currently by Alyssa.

So I walked out her room and walked back to the master bedroom I slipped on some slides since i had socks on and grabbed my keys and got in my Mercedes Benz.

I arrived at Alyssa's house and I knocked on the door my friend and my piano player also my child Godfather.

He opened the door and he greeted me and welcome me in.

" Allison  your Godchild sneaked out my house and I tracked her phone and she is here " I said

" Alyssa come down here now and if Micaì with you she needs to come downstairs as well" said Allison

Alyssa and Micaì both came downstairs Micaì was scared when she saw that I was here.

" Micaì why are you here and how did you get here young lady " I said

" I sneaked out my room window and walked here " she said

When we reach home I'm going to seriously deal with her behind because my daughter is getting out of hand lately.

" Thanks Allison and let's go Micaì cause I am going to deal with yo behind trust me " I said

" Alyssa your going to do the same thing Micah has Micaì do and your grounded younglady " said Allison

Micaì is grounded trust me and they both gone clean the church again they gone work in my restaurant too.

On the weekends they will be servers there and they will do that until I say so because what they did was wrong.

" They gone clean the church every day and weekends they will be working at the restaurant " I said.

" Good I like that it will teach them to behave and not do what they did" said Allison

I've been home for a week and Micaì is misbehaving her mom told me that when I was on tour Micaì was emotional because her teddy bear wasn't home.

Now that I'm back she is acting out what has gotten into my daughter and why is she acting this way.

I need answers I need to sit her down and talk with her because I dont why she is angry with me .

" Let's go Micaì now because I want to knock you out but right now i dont know what to do with you " i said

So we left Allison house and we got in my Mercedes Benz and i drove home once we arrived home.

I parked my car next to my range rover and i got out and she followed behind i dont know what's happening with my child.

" Oh my goodness Micaì where have you been anyone could've kidnapped you and you better apologize to your dad younglady " said my wife.

" Babe let her go to her room and she can stay there and also on a peace of paper write I'll never leave my father's house again and keep writing it until your hands hurt" I said.

She went to her room and I went to my study to read the bible I had to talk to my Father in heaven.


Quick update

The rest of the chapter is in her dad's pov yall

She got herself in trouble

Her dad is really mad

Her teddybear upset

What yall think about Micaì sneaking out the house

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