Chapter 14

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Another day where school is closed they are still renovating apparently  someone lit up the gym and it spread so they had to renovate.

So another day I'm stuck with dad Mj is with mom and Michael, Kevin and Hezekiah are at school not the school Mj and I go to.

I was the only one home with dad I just dont be up when my mom be leaving my dad be home most of the time.

Unless he has a tour I'm with my mom if my mom goes as well my aunt or uncle comes and watches us when our parents are on tour.

I remember my dad was on a tour with Donnie Mcclurkin and mom came back early but dad wasn't back yet but they were planning to surprise me and they did.

We were at church on a Sunday and like my mom and I were on stage and we were playing the whisper game.

So I am facing my mom and she is facing me I didn't know what what we were doing so I went first I was saying the word first so I said God is good she got it.

Then I was listening to the music and she says your dad is behind you I didn't get it on the first try then she said it again.

My reaction was wait what so she said again and I was like my dad is behind me then I caught on br figured out that my dad was indeed behind me.

So I jumped in his hands and I started to cry it was an amazing surprise.

Anyhow so I was dressed in some galaxy shorts a tshirt and I had socks on my feet.

I walked downstairs and went straight to the kitchen where my dad happened to be.

" Good morning baby girl how did you sleep " said dad.

" Good morning daddy I slept good I just was thinking of who intentionally tried to poison me a few days ago" I said because I think when school opens back up they will investigate.

" Baby girl I know that you are worried but that person will turn up and confess dont worry I'm just glad that my daughter is ok and that you were able to recover" said dad.

" I'm glad I recovered like I told Alyssa to message you the school tried to reach mom but they couldn't get her so they called you " I said.

" Yeah your mom called me and said that she was busy and that I should go to the hospital and be with you" said dad.

" Ok but mom came in my room when I was sleeping and kissed me on my forehead " I said.

" Your mom cares about her daughter and she loves you so much I know.tou didn't notice that you have some stuff she just got you in your closet" said dad

" Wait what I didn't notice anything but mom is always surprising me " I said.

" it's in your closet she got you some new shoes and they are still in the boxes " said dad.

" Oh those I didn't notice but I'll check them out anyhow but dad when is my appointment at the orthodontist " I said.

" Next week Thursday I have to get you from school at 1pm " said dad.

" Ok ugh I have to drink smoothies and eat soup " I said.

" Yes but I'm going to make you some chicken and fries so relax while I cook baby girl " said dad.

" Ok I forgot I woke up at twelve anyhow I thought it was still morning " I said.

" Nope it's after twelve  baby girl and you slept in today usually you are up by eight when you dont have school " said dad.

" Its weird I am usually up early anyhow it was a good sleep " I said

" Alright your food is almost done baby girl " said dad

The food was done and I was eating lunch which was breakfast to me since I didn't eat breakfast.

After  I was done I washed my plate and drank a cup of water then I went upstairs to my room and I went in my closet and dad was right  there were some boxes of shoes in my closet.

I had three new sneakers and five sandals and some new jackets mom is the best I'm so happy.

Mom always buys me stuff and I'm so happy dad on the hold he gone be like wear your other jacket.

My dad believes that spending money isn't always important he always says that.

Mom she would get it for you and she would make sure that the jacket is able to be worn until it fits no more.

But dad he will be like Micaì you have other jackets in your closet go wear it he always does that to me but sometimes he spoil me when my grades are good.

All day I relaxed uneven came up with some moves for the next dance then I went to sleep for a few minutes.


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