Chapter 6

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Yesterday I was all over the place when I was done dancing anyhow my hand is feeling much better since my dad almost break it.

Today is Monday and today is my fifth day of suspension or the fourth day and like my third day with my braces on.

It's about five in the morning and I am having a very peaceful sleep I'm tired and I'm under my warm fluffy covers that is keeping me warm.

Until I feel someone shaking me I'm a heavy sleeper but obviously not today because they wouldn't stop shaking me.

" Micaì come on get and go get dress we got to leave soon." said dad.

Why he had to wake me up at five something in the morning seriously you got to be joking right now.

" Daddy it's like five something in the morning why can't I sleep I'm tired " I said.

" Get up and go get ready you can sleep in my car now get out the bed now" said dad.

I had no choice but to get out of bed and go to the bathroom and do my normal hygiene dad went downstairs.

So I slipped on my underwear then I went to find an outfit which was some blue skinny Jeans, a white tank top that's says nap queen and my kicks to match.

So I slipped on my underwear then I went to find an outfit which was some blue skinny Jeans, a white tank top that's says nap queen and my kicks to match

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Her outfit

I walked downstairs and dad was waiting for me so I followed him out the front door.

I got inside his Mercedes Benz and he drove off towards his restaurant ugh why I'm I up at five thirty in the morning.

I fell asleep in the car I was tired and someone woke me up at five in the morning which isn't fair to me at all.

" Caì baby girl get up we are here " said dad as he got out the car ugh he making me extremely uncomfortable and angry.

" I'm up daddy I felt when you stopped " I said getting out the car the restaurant was opened already.

The restaurant is opened from six thirty in the morning until ten in the night so its annoying that he dragged me here with him.

I followed dad to his office in the back I sat down on him and leaned my head on him drifting asleep cause I'm sleepy.

" Micaì get off me and go sit in the chair in front of me you ain't sleeping on me " said dad so I got up and sat in the chair.

He gave me his phone and keys to hold while he help his staff members in the kitchen.

Later in the morning

It was like eight in the morning I was still in my dad's office in the restaurant and I was still a bit tired.

I still had my dad's phone and keys and so I knew my dad's password on his phone really easy so I started to play candy crush because I was so bored.

" How did you get in my phone you know I have a password right hope you ain't going through my business younglady " said dad.

Why would I do that I wanted to play a game I dont have time to go through his phone I ain't that insane.

" Daddy I'm playing candy crush and I am not going through your business on your phone eventhough mom sent an I love you message to you " I said.

" Give me my phone so I can tell my wife i love her back " said dad.

I gave him his phone and he texted mom back my parents has been married for twenty two years or twenty one years .

Real love between my parents anyhow i was bored and hungry i didn't eat breakfast yet.

" Daddy you forgot to do something " I said trying to tell him he didn't feed me breakfast.

" oh really I did your breakfast coming soon and I didn't forget "said dad.

" Nevermind but daddy when are we leaving from here " I asked because I don't want to be here I'm bored.

" We leaving at 12 Caì so sit down and relax " said dad.

Ugh I just want to go home I don't want to be here anymore dad is punishing me I might throw a tantrum soon.

He brought my breakfast and I ate it then he carried the plate in the kitchen then he went back to help.

My dad came back in his office to do some paperwork and so I decided to throw tantrums.

Let's just say he locked his office and he gave me a whooping for misbehaving I just sat there crying.

He was like stop all that crying before he gives me something to cry for bit just beat me so obviously I'm crying because you did give me something to cry for .

We finally went home and when he parked the car in the drive way I got out and followed him in the house.

I went up to my room and laid on my bed and fell asleep I was tired really tired.


Quick update

Chapter 7 will be up

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