Chapter 10

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Words couldn't describe how I'm feeling right now its Monday and I am still angry with my dad like I dont know why I'm mad with him.

Mom whooped my behind not him but he was like dont call me like why can't I call my daddy he was like you disobeyed your mom.

So I'm so angry with him ugh I dont even want to go downstairs but I'm hungry and I need breakfast.

I was dressed already I was in a blue long sleeved top that had the writing beautiful on the shirt with some black shorts and blue knee high socks.

No I wasn't wearing my school socks I was wearing one of crazy socks that I have I went downstairs and dad is in the kitchen drinking coffee out of the mug he got for father's day long time ago.

I just sat down with a bland expression on my face and I just wasn't in the mood.

" I didn't wake up in the same bed as you I woke next to my wife so when you come have manners and say Good morning daddy little girl now open your mouth and say it "said dad.

" Good morning father " I said when I am mad I say father instead of daddy.

" I don't why you angry with me I didn't whoop your behind yes it was my belt but I didn't do it " said dad.

" I'm just angry with you I don't know why I'm talking to you" I said.

" You don't have a real reason on why your angry with me Micaì Keithra you are something else you mad at daddy " said dad.

He came where I was and put his hand under my chin and made me look at him oh my goodness why did I have to look like him.

" Yesterday mom whooped me i was angry but i didn't mean to have an attitude you watched mom beat me " i said.

" Hey you were rude your mom wasn't liking the way you were rude when we had guests at our home " said dad.

" But it's not fair ugh you are always on moms side like I'm always getting punished " I said.

" It is fair now go put on real pants and some shoes " said dad.

I went upstairs and changed my whole attire .

I went upstairs and changed my whole attire

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Her outfit

I came downstairs and he was by the door waiting for me it takes me a while to get dress.

" I said change your pants and you changed your whole wardrobe " said dad.

So I followed behind dad and got in the passenger seat of his Mercedes Benz.

He drove out of the driveway and went north I had no clue where he was taking me none whatsoever.

" Daddy where are we going because you just passed your restaurant " I said because we literally passed the restaurant.

" We weren't going there anyway sit back and enjoy the ride my child " he said.

" Ok daddy I might doze off anyhow " I said and shortly I fell  asleep when your dad is driving for so long you will eventually fall asleep.

"Micaì come on get up we have reached our destination baby girl " said dad.

I woke up and we were at a park I dont know what for but I didn't complain I got out the car just as dad got out.

He grabbed my hand and we walked on the trail on the park it was a nice area.

" Daddy why are we here and its beautiful out here " I said.

" I wanted you to be more positive so I brought you here for a walk and I know you go back to school tomorrow since your suspension is up and I wanted you to clear your head " said dad.

" ok thank you for bringing me here and I'm sorry for getting angry at you " I said as we continued to walk.

After being at the park we left and dad and I went home he made me lunch then we watched tv together.

He gave me my electronics back and we had an amazing bonding time today eventhough  I  woke up mad at him for no reason at all.


Quick update

The next chapter will be up soon

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