Chapter 30

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Continuing from the previous chapter but in Micaì pov


I got caught my dad found me and now I'm in some real big trouble my teddy bear is angry with me.

My mom basically row me out and noth of my parents are angry right now I'm currently in my room at my desk writing I will never sneak out my father's house again.

I'm on my fifth folder sheet and my hands hurt real bad because I've been writing it for a while but this my last paper.

My door opened and dad walked inside and he had a belt in his hands so I just stand up and went to where he was.

I pulled my pants and panties down waiting for him to whoop my bare behind he grabbed me and he whooped me.

I got forty lashes on my butt and yall when I say I was in pain I was in pain I pulled up my panties and my shorts and I laid down on my  bed crying my eyes out.

My dad walked out my room and i just laid down crying i knew for sure my eyes would be swollen because of me crying so much.

I knew i did wrong but that whooping was harsh and now my mom would not be on my side rubbing my back.

With me everyone says I act like a diva but in reality I'm like that because they want me to do what they want.

My dad he messes with me and we spend time together but he has never allowed me to do something I wanted to do like go to the nail salon or a spa.

I'm never treated right like I never get to wear makeup my dad only allows me to put braids in  my hair.

I  could never wear weird braiding styles in my hair at all it's like he only allows me to wear certain styles.

" Sweetheart I know you did wrong but your dad he still loves you ok you disobeyed him and you didnt clean the pool like he asked you too " said mom

" But mommy daddy doesnt let me be me I can't wear makeup I can't wear certain styles or jewelry " I said crying my eyes out.

" You have to ask your father why he doesnt allow you to do those things" said mom

" Mommy but he got angry at me this morning for no reason he was angry I didnt do anything wrong yesterday at all " I said

" Micaì that's something for you and your dad to talk about ok baby girl I'll let him know how you feel ok " said my mom as she got up and walked out my room.

* I'm going to continue in her dad's pov then go back to her pov *

Micah pov

I sat in my room thinking about the whooping I gave my daughter she disobeyed me.

My wife was in her room talking to her I know my daughter didnt mean no harm but she still did wrong by sneaking out my house.

" Babe she is really upset she says that you dont allow her to be herself and you dont allow her to wear makeup and how she can't wear certain styles and jewelry " my wife said

" Baby she is only fourteen she dont need to wear makeup and certain clothing styles my daughter will not wear and yeah I will not allow her to wear jewelry I disapprove of " I said

" Babe she said you got angry at her this morning for no reason she said she didnt do anything yesterday for you to be angry with her I told her that she didnt clean the pool like you asked her to do" daid my wife

" I believe I was still angry for what she did at school with back talking her teacher that's why I didnt know that's how she feels" I said

" You should go talk to her she is tour baby girl and she needs her dad no matter what yes she needs me more because she is a girl but she needs her dad" said my wife

* I'm going back to Micaì pov yall*


I was still upset because my teddybear was mad with me I dont know why but I  didnt mean to do whatever I did .

" Baby girl can I come in I want to talk to you because your mom told me how you feel " said dad.

" I dont want to see you because your just going be like I'm disappointed in you Micaì "I said.

" Nope your mom said I should talk to you and she is right " said dad

My head was still face forward in my pillow my face was stained with tears and I still was crying.

Dad sat down on my bed and pulled me into his lap my eyes were  closed but my face was really wet because of the tears I shed.

He wiped my tears away and he hold me and we had a father daughter moment right there.

" I'm sorry for not cleaning the pool and sneaking out the house again " I said.

" Baby girl apology accepted but I didnt mean to get angry at you those were your punishment and you will still have to clean the church and clean around the house ok " said dad

" Yes sir I understand and I wont disobey you because I dont want my teddy bear to be mad at his baby bear " I said.

"Ok he isn't mad anymore at his baby bear but she is grounded and cannot go by a friend or a slumber party or have one " said dad

" Ok I understand daddy and you might as well take my ipad too since I'm on punishment " I said

" Baby girl ok i will but if you feel like you need to talk to me or your mother do not hesitate ok we are your parents and we love you" said dad.

We ended up talking and my dad said he forgives me and that he isn't mad at me but I'm grounded until he says so


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