Chapter 22

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Today is Monday and also the day when my daddy leaves to go on tour he is at the airport already he did come in my room and kissed my forehead.

So today  I dont know how I'm going to feel since my dad is leaving or already left .

I was busy getting dressed for school so I decided to wear my school uniform today.

I was busy getting dressed for school so I decided to wear my school uniform today

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Her outfit the skirt is actually the color of the shirt.

I grabbed my bag putting my homework from Friday in the bag and the rest of stuff I grabbed my phone.

I went downstairs and walked to the island in the kitchen mom was cooking breakfast.

" Good morning sweetheart how are you doing this morning " said mom.

" Good morning mommy I'm doing good " I said.

" That's great your daddy said to tell you that he loves you and behave in school " said mom.

" Ok I will and I love him too and I love my mommy as well" I said.

" I love you too my beautiful daughter " said mom.

" Ok and your my beautiful mom and I love you too" I said as I ate the breakfast she placed in front of me.

" Awe thank you sweetheart, Micah jr , Hezekiah ,Michael and Kevin get down here now " said mom.

They came downstairs and mom gave them their breakfast and they ate it and then mom had to drop all us off at school .

Dad's cars was outside parked in the drive way mom dropped him off at the airport and we were home if your wondering.

Why were we home alone well my parents installed cameras and a security system all over the house so we all can be safe.

Just then my phone beeped alerting me that I had a text message from someone so I opened my phone and it was from dad.

Conversation between her and her dad

Myteddybear❤❤❤:  Good morning baby girl have a great day at school dont fight because when I come back I will whoop your behind

Me: Good morning daddy and have a safe trip 😘

Myteddybear❤❤❤: thank you baby girl have a good day and Niko will bring yall lunch today and for the rest of the weeks

Me: ok daddy talk to you later

Myteddybear❤❤❤: ok baby girl

End of conversation

I felt better now that I talked to my father so we got in mom's wrangler of course I was in the front.

She dropped Hezekiah,  Michael and Kevin first handing them lunch money and then she drove off towards our school.

At school

I went to my locker and got out my books for the classes I had today then I waited for Alyssa.

" I was feeling the uniform today too I just miss my dad " said Alyssa.

" Me too like I don't want to be here right now I want to be home with my dad but he away" I said.

" Yeah me too but dad came in my room and kissed my forehead AJ , Malachi , Daran were ok but me I wasn't must be because I'm a daddy's girl " said Alyssa

" Girl Mj , Michael, Kevin and Hezekiah were ok but me I wasn't ok cause my daddy is my teddy bear he just sent me a text this morning and I miss him already" I said

" I think  I'm going to stay in my mom them room tonight because I dont think I can sleep in my own room " said Alyssa.

" Me too I'll wear one of my dad's shirt his scent might help me " I said

Cause to be honest I'm sad and I miss my daddy but he will be back.

We went to all our classes we had lunch then we went to our last class and now school was out.

Mom came for me and Mj then she went for Michael them then we went home she ordered from a take out place and we ate and she helped all of us with our homework.

I bathed and then I slipped on a tank top and shorts with socks and went in my parents room.

I slipped on dad's shirt and slept on the side where he normally sleeps


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