Chapter 23

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Currently the fourth day since dad is away and almost the end of the first week he is in Memphis and will be in Nashville later tonight.

So today school is getting out early because the teachers and support staff have a staff meeting.

So mom is picking Alyssa and I up from school along with Mj and Alyssa is sleeping over tonight.

She will be with us for three weeks because that's how long I want her to stay and mom is ok with it and has no problem with her staying that long.

I was currently getting ready for school again I told Alyssa that she can bring her bags or her clothes with her well we wear the same size in everything.

But I told her to bring whatever well she told me that her mom put her suitcases in the car cause we will be to school at the same time.

So she is.going put them in mom's car then mom will carry it home and take it upstairs to my room where she will be sleeping.

So I got dressed for school still wearing my uniform today because I didn't feel like getting dressed fancy.

So I got dressed for school still wearing my uniform today because I didn't feel like getting dressed fancy

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Her outfit

After getting dressed I packed my bag and grabbed my phone and went downstairs my hair were in twists .

" Good morning mommy " I said as I sat down on the stool.

" Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep last night " she said.

" I slept good after hearing daddy's voice yesterday I felt better eventhough it's been four days since he left for his tour" I said.

" Awe well he misses you too and he told me to tell you that he loves you and your brothers now eat up" she said.

Conversation between her and her daddy aka her teddybear.

Myteddybear❤❤❤: Good morning baby girl

Me : Good morning daddy

Myteddybear❤❤❤: How was school

Me: school is good

Myteddybear❤❤❤: That's good now you and Alyssa behave

Me: yes sir I got to go

End of conversation

I was done with my breakfast my brothers were downstairs so we had to leave soon.

We followed mom and she dropped Michael them off first then she pulled up at my school.

Goddie pulled up the same time and Alussa placed her suitcases in the back of my mom's jeep wrangler.

We walked inside school as my mom left we went to our locker and got our books we needed for today.

We decided to go in the library and chill since we were here a bit early so yeah that's where we went.

" Dad message me and he told me to behave " I said.

" My dad did too but I'm well behaved and I didn't fight or anything " said Alyssa.

" Me either inwasnt trying to fight cause like I just been feeling real emotional and my dad ain't here" I said

" Me too I know I get tired of my dad but I miss him like crazy right now" said Alyssa.

" I feel the same way too it's like because my dad isn't here I'm emotional I miss him messing with me like I even miss those nasty ass smoothies he be making " I said.

" Like you see how we have to dance Sunday I'm not feeling that dance on Sunday at all " said Alyssa.

" Same likening dont want to dance but we have too but I'll just dance for these two or three Sundays " I said.

" Me too it's like dancing and you emotional dont mix at all  to me and plus ain't dont make sense to dance but you know Goddie will tell us still dance" said Alyssa.

" Yes but mom said we still have to dance no matter how we feel and she just didn't hear me out " I said.

" I know like why have me dance when I am emotional right now and I will be emotional after dancing on Sunday " said Alyssa.

" exactly but that's how my mom is and if I call my dad and say can you talk to my mom he will ask why and I'm not into that at all" I said

" Exactly and plus i dont think we have a choice so we have to dance and we have to like dance even if we ain't feeling it " said Alyssa.

We went to our first four periods then school was out mom came for us and we went home.

Dad ended up calling to talk to me he said he got some stuff for me and he also told be to make sure my mom is ok and safe and to help her around the house.

Later that night

Me, mom and Alyssa were up and we were having a girls night my brothers were in the playroom.

" Mom so I want to know who said i love you first you or dad " i said.

" Well your dad said it first and i was shocked and then i said it " she said

" Awe now that's true love right there Goddie" said Alyssa.

"  Well ok mom so when I was in tour stomach did I lick more when you talked to me or  when daddy talked to me or sing to me in there" i said.

" You kicked everytime your dad talked or entered the room or wjwm he would sing to you or just rub my stomach same for your sister as well" said mom

" I miss her like to sè her have not just one seizure but thirty of them was hurtful then when she died after the last one I was livid" I said.

" I know like you wasnt ok you wouldn't eat or nothing so your dad went up to your room

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