Chapter 15

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So today is Monday and school is back opened so I'm currently in my room getting dressed for school.

Today the principal was addressing the school fire they knew who did it apparently that student is suspended for like a month.

Why be stupid and start a fire you cost all of the students there education like why be an idiot.

Some students are not intelligent at all they tend to do crazy stuff ask some teachers how they have to ask students to tutor some students and athletes in order to play sports.

I decided to wear sandals today so I decided on a white skinny jeans and a red shirt.

I decided to wear sandals today so I decided on a white skinny jeans and a red shirt

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Her outfit

I grabbed my bag ,jacket and phone and went downstairs my hair was in a low ponytail.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast prepared by my mom or dad cause I can't trust the school breakfast at all.

" What happened to my daughter because she normally wears sneakers"said dad.

" Well I decided to change it up daddy can't I be girly " I said.

" Ok daughter you look beautiful by the way and here eat up " said dad.

" Thank you daddy I get it from my mom and dad so dont forget the lunch for me and Alyssa " I said.

" Your parents are well dressed people besides the our God video I was well dressed " said dad.

" I know and again dont forget our lunch father " I said as I ate my breakfast which was placed in front of me.

So I ate my breakfast and then I cleaned my dish and I grabbed my bag and MJ and I followed dad to his car.

Mom dropped my other brothers at school so it was just MJ and I.

At School

So as soon as I got to school I went to my locker where Alyssa was at her locker our locker is right next to each other.

" Good morning Micaì girl I love ya outfit you looking cute as always" said Alyssa.

" Girl you look cute yourself too dad saw me and was like what happened to my daughter she normally wear sneakers I told him i decided to change it up" i said.

" Girl you look cute and I like them shoes they are cute " said Alyssa.

" Thank you I'm trying to look cute this whole week " I said.

" We need to have a dance retreat so we can learn some stuff " said Alyssa.

" Yes I'll ask mom we can put a good retreat on with some amazing speakers and we can do dance bags" I said .

" Yes we can invite girls who want to dance and is interested about dance well liturgical dancing " said Alyssa

" We can do that so dad is bringing us lunch I hope you dont mind " I said.

" Are you kidding my Godfather is an awesome cook" said Alyssa.

" Ok cool I dont know what he is bringing but I know it will be good trust me " I said.

" Trust me it will anyhow so let's get our books for the first three periods we have " said Alyssa.

The bell rang and we went to our class and we walked in class and sat down at our usual spot.

We started to take the notes down we did the class assignments and we handed it in.

We wrote down the homework and we actually did the homework with Alyssa and I we get our stuff done our of the way.

So the bell rang and we went to our next class we did the same thing we did in first period.

Lunch Time

We went to our locker and put our books up and got our last book for our last class then we went in the cafeteria.

I looked to the door and dad comes walking in with our lunch he got us juice as well he told us to enjoy and he left.

We had mac and cheese ,collard greens, fried chicken and a biscuit with the juice our lunch was great I enjoyed it.

After lunch we went to our last class and we did the same thing we took down the notes and we did the class assignments our teacher gave us a project to do .

After that school was finally over so dad came and I got in the passenger side while MJ got in the back.

MJ had the school lunch he doesn't complain at all because he doesn't have a problem anyhow.


Quick update

This chapter is dedicated to ArielleBryant3 and champcola_96 these ladies are always commenting  voting and reading this book.

Check out their books and show them love as well.

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