Chapter 13

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Yesterday I was glad I was able to make a speedy recovery now I will be eating breakfast at home.

Today is another day of school so I was up getting ready for school .

" Micaì come here " said dad so I went downstairs and he was in the kitchen.

" Yes daddy you called me " I said as I sat down at the island.

" Your school called so you and your brother have two weeks off there was a fire so they are renovating " said dad.1

" Ok so will my teachers send work to me " I said .

" They didn't mention that baby girl " said dad.

Now I'm stuck with my dad for two whole weeks ugh why why why anyhow I'll just busy myself.

" You realize I'm stuck with you again literally I dont think have dance practice today but I'm stuck with you" I said.

" Is that so Keithra ok your stuck with your handsome father who loves and adore you " said dad.

" I love you too I would jump in your arms but i believe I'm 14 and to big to be jumping in your arms" I said.

" You dont have to jump in my arms but you can hug and kiss your father he appreciates it when you hug him" said dad wait did he just refer to himself in second person on lawd my dad is something else.

I just walked in the kitchen and hugged him by the way my dad is really tall so I dont know how I can reach and kiss him on the cheeks.

" You realize I'm five feet 4 and your six feet something how can I kiss your cheek seriously daddy " I said

" I'm sorry let me lift you up so I can get my good morning kiss" said dad.

He lift me up and I kissed his cheek I was in my dad's embrace and it felt good.

" Ok daddy can you put me down on my feet " I said.

" Sorry baby girl my bad ok so do you want to cook breakfast with me "said dad.

" Sure daddy i will love too I need to wash my hands first " I said.

We cooked breakfast and ate it together then I cleaned the dishes then I went upstairs I knew I didn't pick my clothes up what I had on the floor before dad sees it.

So i placed them in my hamper after that I laid down on the bed and my body was half in the bed my head was hanging out the bed.

" Why are you upside down daddy " I said as my head was half way off the bed.

" Because you halfway on your bed young lady " said dad.

" Oh sorry I forgot I was this way sorry dad " I said as I fixed myself on the bed.

" No need to be sorry baby girl by the way for now on you eating breakfast home unless I take you out for breakfast " said dad.

" Ok I mean you could bring Alyssa and I lunch at school we would appreciate that " I said.

'I can do that for you two because km not sure I want you to buy lunch at school " said dad.

" I mean I was told that there are two different persons who does breakfast and lunch besides lunch is way better anyhow" I said.

" Ok do you think someone intentionally put poison in your food baby girl" said dad.

" Yes but I'm alive and the poison is out of my system who did it was wrong but I forgave them the minute they did it I'm not trying to hold on to that" I said.

" who thought you how to forgive others I wonder who that smart person is " said dad seriously he know he meaning himself.

" You did and seriously  I remember when you said baby girl you have to forgive and forget " I said.

" ok I did and I'm proud of you for doing that dont forget that it's better to forgive then to hold on to suffering " said  dad.

" Thank you daddy I mean I do listen to you eventhough you and mom say I'm stubborn I stay listening to you " I said.

" Ok baby girl I know you listen and yeah you still stubborn but I know you listen " said dad.

" Ok now daddy I'm really bored so can you carry me to the tv room please " I said.

" I'm sure you have two legs but come " he said as he scooped me in his arms and took me downstairs to the tv room.

We watched tv and I fell asleep in the middle of watching the movie.

" I fell asleep and missed half of the movie wow " I said as I woke up and saw that the credits were rolling up

" Yeah you did miss half of it come let me make you a smoothie " said dad.

So I followed him to the kitchen and he made me a smoothie it was good whether it had broccoli or kale in it I really didn't care.

The test of the day I just relax myself and did nothing.


Quick update

Chapter 14 I think will be out soon

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