Chapter 8

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Another day of suspension and another day with my dad ugh we have been bonding lately because I normally with my mom .

I got out of bed and went straight into my bathroom I did my usual hygiene then I went back in my room and slipped on my underwear.

I threw on some joggers that was a galaxy color and a shirt that matches it with some colorful socks.

I went downstairs to the kitchen dad was in the kitchen so I sat down at the island.

" Good morning daddy " I said as I yawned cause I'm so tired but anyhow I'm up I'm up.

"Good morning baby girl " said dad as he placed a plate in front of me yes no smoothie today.

" Thank you daddy for breakfast " I said as I began to eat my breakfast so good my dad is an amazing cook.

" Your welcome daughter now I believe your appointment at the orthodontist is in two weeks so eat as much as you can because you have to go back to eating soft foods again " said dad.

" Ok daddy I heard you and I will " I said as I was still eating breakfast.

I washed my now empty plate and glass  and then I went in the playroom to use the computer I needed to type my paragraph for school and I had to send it to my teacher.

" Baby girl come downstairs and come clean the living room " said dad.

So I did my paragraph and sent it then I went downstairs to clean the living room after I did that I went upstairs and fell asleep .

" Caì come get up and come downstairs so I can make you a smoothie to drink" said dad shaking me.

" Daddy I'm up ok I'm up daddy stop shaking me im up " I said as I opened my eyes.

I got up and followed dad downstairs and into the kitchen I sat down at the island while he got out the stuff to make the smoothie.

I fell asleep on the island I guess I didn't get much sleep so my dad woke me up and gave me the smoothie.

" Thanks daddy and I'm still a bit sleepy you didn't put any carrots in here or spinach " I said.

" Nope just some pineapple and some other frozen fruits  no vegetables " said dad.

" ok thanks daddy " I said as I drank the smoothie then I went to go up my room I ended up sitting down on the stairs and I fell asleep on the stairs.

I felt myself being lifted up and placed in my bed I knew dad placed me in my bed.

I finally got enough sleep so I got out of bed and went downstairs my dad was again in the tv room so I sat next to him.

" Look my sleeping beauty is finally up did you sleep good baby girl " said dad.

" Yes daddy I did I was still sleepy but now I'm fully awake " I said.

" Good now let's have some bonding time my beautiful child " said dad

We sat down and watched a gospel movie named God's Not Dead 2 they did that poor teacher in but they ended up winning at the end.

God is very well alive my parents have instilled that in me and my siblings my parents have a bible study every Wednesday and we read the bible all the time.

" Daddy they were wrong for that and that lawyer was wicked " I said.

" That's why you should keep believing in God because he sent his son on the cross to die for our sins" said dad.

" Yes sir and you and mom remind me of that all the time I believe in that and you did baptize me and Alyssa and I were saved from we were 7" I said.

" I know and i remembered when I baptized you I was a proud father at that time am still a proud father " said dad.

I love bonding with both my parents they mean the world to me I am stubborn just like my dad but I'm also his little girl and will forever be his little girl.


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