Chapter 25

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3 weeks later

Sunday morning

It was time to get ready for church so Alyssa and I got up I went in my bathroom and she went to use the guest bathroom.

After changing in my underwear I slipped on my stockings ,leotard and tights along with my palazzo pants and skirt.

I fixed my hair into a ponytail a low one and then I packed my shoes and scarve in my bag.

I fixed my hair into a ponytail a low one and then I packed my shoes and scarve in my bag

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Their dance outfit

After I was dressed I walked out the door as Alyssa walked out the guest room dressed as well with her dance bag as well.

I had to do a solo and then Alyssa,  Rashan , Tanesha and I are doing a dance together.

" Alyssa you ready to dance girl we about to do this " I said

" Yes we about to boo and I can't wait and I feel like our moms are up to something " said Alyssa.

" Yes  girl I feel that way too but if it's a good thing i will be happy and excited for what they about to do or did " i said.

" Yes me too but hopefully it be our dad's who come back tonight instead of next week ugh next week is too long " said Alyssa.

" You think it's you anyhow let's go downstairs before my mom calls for us " I said

We went downstairs and MJ them was currently eating breakfast dressed for church one thing i can say is my brothers can dress just as good as my father.

I got my style from dad and mom cause when it comes to dressing up for church i get it from my mom.

" I was just about to call for  you two anyhow  eat up cause we have to be at church soon"  said mom.

We ate our food and then we grabbed our bags and followed mom them to her wrangler as I got in the front I noticed that dads car was gone.

Weird but i don't know what happened or if it in the garage anyhow so mom pulled out the driveway and we were on our way to church.

At Church

We arrived at church and we were in the dance room Alyssa and I placed the scarf on and fixed it.

Rashan and Tanesha came in and we fixed their scarfs on them and fixed it we all was dancing to praise and worship.

" Father God in heaven we are humbly thanking you for waking us up this morning God bless and guide us as we dance to your honor and glory God keep my daddy and Godfather Allison safe and God keep us safe this week in your name I pray amen " I said

We slipped on our shoes and grabbed the flags and walked in the sanctuary

We sat the flags and scarves down and we sat down as the church started to get full with the members and followers.

It was now time to start so the deacon who normally says the opening prayer went up and prayed.

Sister Marina went up to say welcome then we greeted one another then praise and worship started I had to do a solo after that Sierra was going up to do a solo.

After doing my solo it was time to read the scripture then Sierra would sing her song.

" Good morning church please stand for the reading Psalms 100 says make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands .Serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know he that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations this is the word of the Lord " said Rashan as she just finished the scripture

Sierra went up to sing and she did an amazing job singing she always does good.

We went up and got in position to do this dance together.

After dancing we sat down and Bishop he went up on the stage.

"  Amazing yall see those young ladies who danced they are talented dancing for the honor and glory of God so Micaì will come and introduce the speaker for today " said Bishop.

So I.walked up to the pulpit and and got the paper from Biahop to read and introduce thos speaker he had to call me on the spot .

" Born in Baton Rouge to the wonderful Delmarie and Richard Stampley on September 7th 1971 Micah Keith Stampley came into the world, at the age of four Micah knew he had musical talent in him he started directing the choir in his hometown church at the age of twelve later on he would run track in school as he got older God had a plan for him he became an gospel artist "

" Micah is married to Heidi Stampley nee Jones and they have been married since 1998, the union was blessed with two daughters and four sons today Micah continues to be an amazing artist,  husband,  son ,father and cook please welcome Mr. Micah Stampley " I said .

" Well done Micaì stand right here with me do you know who biography you read " said Bishop.

" No sir I just wanted quickly read it so I could sit down" I said.

" Well you just read your dad's biography Alyssa look to tour right and Micaì look straight at the doors of the sanctuary " said Bishop.

I looked at the doors and my dad was standing in front of the doors and Alyssa dad was next to her she hugged him crying.

" Micaì who is at the door and your dad wanted to surprise you and no he isn't our speaker I'm preaching today " said Bishop.

" My dad is at the door Bishop " I said as I was still standing near Bishop in shocked.

" Go hail your daddy and Micah and Allison welcome back home " said Bishop.

I ran to my dad he picked me up hugging me I placed my face in his neck crying my eyes out my teddy bear was here and he surprised me inwas happy and emotional.

After church I went home with dad he came yesterday night mom picked him up and he drove his car to church today to surprise me.


A quick lengthy update

She was surprised

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