Chapter 11

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My suspension was finally up and I return to school today my brother has been bringing my homework to me and I've been doing my assignments while spending time with my dad.

I think I was with mom once or twice I think but I was with dad almost every day finally I get to go to school again.

I got out of bed and made it up then I went in my bathroom and did my usual hygiene then I went back in my room and slipped my underwear on.

Yesterday I felt bad for being mad at my dad he didn't beat me but my mom she got tired of me being rude so she dealt with me.

My mom supposed to be dropping me to school dad had to leave early so he is not home mom is but dad did cooked breakfast.

So I went in my closet to find an outfit to wear after spending three whole minutes in the closet I finally found my outfit.

This week I didn't feel like putting the uniform on so I decided to go with my own style this week.

This week I didn't feel like putting the uniform on so I decided to go with my own style this week

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Her outfit

After finally getting dressed packed my bag making sure I had everything I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

Mom was in the kitchen making a cup of tea for herself so I sat down at the island.

" Good morning mommy " I said as she placed my plate what dad took up took up for me already.

I guess my brothers were up when dad was home anyhow they probably ate already.

I ate my food and drink my cup of apple juice then I washed my dishes then I followed mom them outside.

I got in the passenger side of her Jeep wrangler while my brothers got in the back .

" baby why you carried on like that Sunday I get you were tired but you didn't have to be rude " said mom.

" Mommy I'm sorry for my behavior I promise I won't do it again " I said as she dropped Michael and Kevin first then she was on her way to drop me and MJ off.

We  were now at school so we both got out and mom drove off I went to my locker and MJ went the other way.

" finally I'm not alone no more hey it's good to have you back " said Alyssa.

" I miss you like I was with dad every day he kept on messing with me by giving those disgusting smoothies ugh " I said.

" Lol Godfather Micah was driving you that crazy girl he was definitely messing with you " said Alyssa.

" He was he literally was plus that Friday he had sister Kesha bring her baby " I said.

" Wow her five month old daughter I know changing them diaper was nasty "said Alyssa.

" Oh yes it was my dad didn't help he watch me and every second I try to get her to sleep she wouldn't go back sleep "I said.

"I can imagine you was tired after baby left " said Alyssa.

" Yes I think I fell asleep on the stairs and dad picked me up and carried me to my room "I said.

We got our books for our first three periods we had and we went in the cafeteria until the bell rang.

The bell rang so we went to our first class we did the assignment she handed us.

She wrote some homework on the white board we wrote it down.

Along with the notes to go with it after being in the class for three hours or so the bell rang alerting us that its time for us to go to second period.

We walked in class and yes we had general science and yall wont believe she did another quiz.

So we did the quiz then we had some notes and homework assignments after that the bell rang again for us to go to third period.

Lunch time

It was finally time for lunch and I got to eat real food none of dad's nasty smoothies ugh finally yes.

Today  they had meatloaf and mashed potatoes so I was so excited I'm going to eat real food.

So we went on the line which was short because at school  because some were at the pizza side and the wings side.

We finally got our food and we paid then we sat down at our usually spot.

Finally real food and not those gross smoothies I was finished and full a tadbit .

After school

School was done I had to help Alyssa with a project and we did it so I stayed back mom has my brothers.

When she got MJ she told me dad is coming for me so I waited outside for him.

Dad finally came well I saw his Mercedes Benz coming down the road so when he pulled up I got in the passenger seat.

" Hey baby girl how was school your teacher called and told me what you got  on the quiz" said dad.

" School was good I have plenty homework  and its sounds like I did bad again in the quiz " I said.

" When we get home I'll tell you what she said your grade was " said dad.

" I feel like I did bad on that second quiz ugh " I said.

We finally arrived home mom wasn't home yet so it was just dad and I for now.

I followed dad in the house and I went upstairs to put my school bag up then I went downstairs to the kitchen where dad was.

" So your teacher called and she said you got an A so you did well baby girl " said dad.

" I passed the test oh I feel so much better now that I got an A finally I have been studying " I said.


Quick update

The next chapter will be up

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