Chapter 19

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Yesterday my dad told me that he had to go on tour for five weeks yesterday I was an emotional wreck.

And I'm still an emotional wreck  I dont know if I was going to school or not but I'm an emotional wreck.

" Baby girl are you up " said dad I was still in my room and my head was in my pillows

" No I'm sad I dont want you to go daddy " I said  as I started crying real hard i was an emotional wreck.

I couldn't stop crying yesterday my brothers took the news more better than I did when he told me.

" Baby I'll be back for you know it ok dont cry you know what I will do I will call your school and tell them your not feeling good" said dad.

He called my school and they said they will give assignments to MJ for today ugh I'm so emotional.

" I'm going to mess you daddy I dont want you to go " I said as I continued to cry.

" Baby girl I have to go to make money to support you and your brothers along with your mom" said dad

I eventually fell asleep and dad tucked me back into bed .

I dont how I will be in school when he is away for five weeks ugh I'm so emotional right now and he hasn't left yet.

I woke up and got out of bed then I washed my face then I brushed my teeth I did my other usual hygiene.

I threw on my underwear with some shorts and a tshirt with socks on.

I went downstairs and dad was in the tv room as usual I sat down next to.him placing my head on his shoulder.

Yall I know I always complaining about how he messes with me but my daddy is my hero many times I'm disobedient to him or mom but I get like this every time he has to go away.

" Baby girl see you spending today with me but I will call you and I will check up on you everyday" said dad.

" Ok daddy " I said as I continued to lean on him and spend time with him even though he doesn't leave until Monday.

Dad ended up cooking lunch and we ate and talked and then I fell asleep on him then we watched like alot of movies.

Tomorrow as a family we are spending quality time together and on Sunday as he leaves Monday so spend as much time with him until he goes away.

Father and daughter moment and do not say I'm a daddy's girl because I'm not sure I am.

Lol I'm playing I am a daddy's girl I'm always with my dad most of the time between me and MJ.

MJ and dad usually have their moments together while I'm with mom and usually my mom and I are doing spa dates and stuff mother and daughters would do.

I woke up still in the tv room on my dad and there was a next movie on I fell asleep through the first movie.

" I  fell asleep through the movie again daddy anyhow that was a needed sleep" I said.

" I think it was as well baby girl are you feeling better " said dad.

" I am eventhough I'm still sad that you have to go on tour I'm going to miss you daddy " I said.

" How you think I feel I gonna miss my wife and my children baby girl " said dad .

Now I know he will be sad in a way because he will be away from us for five weeks I will miss him too.


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