Chapter 16

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Another day and I'm thankful and its Tuesday exactly two days before I have to get my braces tighten ugh.

I'm currently getting dressed I decided to wear some sandals again today instead of my sneakers.

I'm currently getting dressed I decided to wear some sandals again today instead of my sneakers

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Her outfit for today

I was dressed and I wore flats again so I grabbed my bag, phone and jacket and went downstairs.

Mj was eating breakfast mom and my other brothers were now on the road heading to drop them to school.

"Good morning Mj and daddy " I said as I sat down a the island and dad gave me breakfast I ate my breakfast and washed my plate along with daddy and MJ plate.

We got in the car and dad drove off towards our school .

At School

"Hey Alyssa you look cute today as usual " I said she had on some white skinny Jean's with a  blue top  with blue sandals it was cute.

" Thanks and so do you" I said as we got our books out for our first three classes.

" you are so welcome boo so dad is bringing lunch again for us and MJ so we dont have to worry " I said.

" Ok cool lunch was so good yesterday Godfather can throw down in the kitchen " said Alyssa.

Of course he can ask this girl right here who eats her father's food all the time mom is a great cook as well she is an awesome Baker her cheesecake is one of the best.

And speaking of cake mom makes the best ted velvet cupcakes with the cream cheese frosting.

Anyhow just so you know both of my parents are awesome cooks anyhow back to me.

" It was dad can really throw down " I said as we walked to a bench and sat down in the kitchen " I said.

" You are right I love it when he cooks his food is so amazing " said Alyssa.

The bell rang and we went to our first class we sat in our usual seat and we took down the notes and we did the assignments.

We did the assignments and then we wrote down the homework what is due on Friday.

After being in the class for approximately thirty minutes or so then the bell ring .

We went to our second class and we say down and took down the notes and the assignments we wben did our homework.

30 minutes later

We were now on our way to third period so we did the same thing then we were able to do all the assignments.

After that we just sat in class and I started to think about some ideas for dances.

So we can perform Sunday and the following Sunday so I got a few more ideas.

Class was finally done so we went to our lockers to get our books for fourth and fifth period.

Lunch Time

So it was lunch time and dad brought our lunch and he gave MJ his lunch as well.

Then he left so today we had gumbo mines had chicken, sausage ,beef while Alyssa had seafood in hers.

If you ask why I dont have seafood in mines well I'm allergic dont forget anyhow we ate our lunch.

After School

School was finally out and Alyssa and I had dance practice today so we got picked up by mom.

So we changed in our dance outfits and got to practice.

So we changed in our dance outfits and got to practice

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Their dance outfit

We  started practice one dance we did it about three times until we got it right then we went on to do a next dance.

We had to come up with a dance for the anniversary service for Bishop he has been preaching for a while.

After practicing more than enough we went home well to our separate homes.

Now tomorrow is my orthodontist appointment ugh I'm not happy.


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