Chapter 9

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It is now Sunday and I am so tired like I know I'm supposed to be up but indont want to get up and I know my mom or dad will walk in my room to wake me up.

" Caì baby girl come on get up baby girl its time to get ready for church " said mom.

" I don't want to go mommy please I don't want to " I said.

" Micaì Keithra Stampley get out of the bed and go clean up and get dress now young lady " said mom.

" Leave me alone no no no I'm not going " I said as I pulled the pillow over my head.

" Micah you better deal with your daughter and get her out that bed now she throwing a tantrum again " said mom.

" I will deal with her dont worry babe " said dad.

Dad walked in my room and he pulled my covers off of me then he hit me on my exposed thighs .

" Ouch daddy why you do that it hurts real bad " I said as I cried while rubbing my thigh that he hit.

" Your mom told you to go get cleaned up do as you are told go bathe and get ready now don't make me get my belt young lady try me " said dad.

" Ok daddy can I have some privacy please " I said as I got out the bed and went in my bathroom closing the door.

I did my usual hygiene then I dried off and slipped on my underwear I slipped on my stockings then my leotard and my tights then my palazzo pants then my skirt I packed my shoes and scarve in my bag and went downstairs still mad.

" Micaì I dont know why you got an attitude you know you dont miss church you try me again I will take your dad's belt and I will whoop your behind myself you hear me " said mom.

" Yes maam " I said as I sat down on the island and dad purposely gave me a smoothie so I just drank it.

" I dont know where you getting this attitude from little girl you may be a teenager but you ain't to old to get a whooping and I know my husband is the disciplinarian but I will whoop your behind myself dont you have no mouth with me " said mom.

My mom was yelling at me my dad stood there and watched mom tell me off and he didn't say anything.

" My wife is right stop having these attitude Micaì you were rude to your mother you need to apologize to your mother you should respect your mom she has been there for you through thick and thin dont forget that" said dad.

" I'm sorry mom for being rude to you and I will never do it again" I said.

" Come here my baby girl I love you but I dont like your smart mouth you maybe a daddy's girl but you will always be my little one" said mom as she pulled me in her arms I just laid my head on her chest feeling bad for what I did.

I know I was very wrong for talking back and I really didn't mean to be rude to her .

I know I was very wrong for talking back and I really didn't mean to be rude to her

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Her dance wear

At Church

I was currently in the dance room and I was still mad that dad hit me so I put my scarve on.

" Girl you dont look happy what happened " said Alyssa.

" My parents happened like because I didn't want to get up they were on my back about it" I said.

" Girl you need to put on a happy face today some can dance to the honor and glory of God " said Alyssa.

So I slipped on my shoes and grabbed the flags and scarve  we walked out to our seats and sat down.

Good is good ain't he church he woke us up this morning and brought us here so we ought thank him dear heavenly I give you all the honor and the praise thank you for bringing us to your house of worship God I pray a blessing over the participants and bless Bishop as he preaches God speak through your mighty servant  in your name in pray and the church say amen

After the prayer it was time for praise and worship so we grabbed the flags and scarves and we went up front.

After praise and worship Sierra did a solo as usual then it was time for us to go up.

We got up and went in position as we got ready to dance to the honor and glory of God.

After we danced it was offering time and then the scripture reading then Bishop preached.

After Church

We had just left church and Bishop and his wife followed behind us.

We arrived home and I followed behind mom in the house I went upstairs to my room.

I  kept my leotard on and slipped on a pants and tshirt I walked downstairs.

We walked in the dining room and I honestly was feeling dinner right now.

" Micah this is a nice home you have " said Bishop I just rolled my eyes and mom and dad noticed.

" Micaì sit up like a young lady we have guests " said mom.

" Yes ok mommy " I said with attitude sitting up.

We continued to eat and shortly Bishop left mom and i cleared the dining room and took the dishes in the kitchen.

I washed the dishes then mom was standing there i dont know why but something was about to happen.

Dad came in and stood by the counter while mom stood there like what is happening.

" Micah give me your belt please I'm about to whoop your daughter behind " said mom.

So he took his belt off and he gave it to her so I started to walk backwards she grabbed me and started whoop my behind.

" Daddy help me ouch daddy please " I said as she continued whooping my behind.

" Dont call me you disobeyed your mom I'm not gonna help you" said dad.

She gave dad his belt back and I was crying while holding my butt I walked out the kitchen crying.

I fell asleep crying my eyes out and I was hurt and I was wrong at the same time.


Quick update

Chapter 10 will be up

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