Chapter 31

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Today is a beautiful Sunday and church is today yesterday I felt  bad for my actions and I wrote an apology for my dad to read after I dance.

I got out of bed and went straight in my bathroom  and did my usual hygiene then I grabbed my drying off towel and dried off then I slipped on my underwear.

I went and slipped on my stockings then my leotard and tights then I slipped on my palazzo pants and skirt

My scarf and shoes were in my dance bags along with the streamers I call them flags.

I slipped on a jacket and grabbed my bag and my apology to say to my dad in church as well.

I walked out my room and went downstairs to the kitchen mom and dad were in the kitchen.

" Good morning mommy and daddy " i said as i sat down at the island.

" Good morning sweetheart how you slept and did you and your dad talked yesterday " said mom

" Yes maam and i apologized to dad for my actions i should have just done my chores now I'm grounded " i said

" I know sweetheart but you made a mistake so we as your parents understand why you did it and we know you didnt mean too " said mom

My  mom was right and I didnt know why I did what I did but I shouldn't have done it .

" Baby girl it's ok now you know what not to do ok your dad isn't mad anymore he loves you very much " said dad.

" Yes sir and again I'm sorry daddy for my actions yesterday and I feel bad for doing it and Alyssa didnt know anything it was all my doings" I said

" Ok baby girl and this wont affect your dancing today " said dad.

" No sir it wont plus we doing two dances today again " I said

I ate my breakfast and drank my juice then we all left and were on our way to church.

At Church

I was currently in the dance room and its us four dancing as usual we will be doing a retreat to get more dancers on board with us.

" Alyssa I'm sorry ingot you in trouble I told my dad you didnt know that I sneaked out and that it wasn't your fault " I said.

" it's ok because I was going to sneak out and come tontour house cause dad was pissing me off yesterday " said Alyssa.

" Yes like my dad got mad at me yesterday for no reason and I was like what I do " I said.

" Yes and like mom told him to talk to him and we talked and he forgave me "I said.

" My mom did the same at the end of the day he forgave me and I'm happy he did " said Alyssa

" Dear heavenly thank you for forgiving us for what we did Lord continue to bless us as we dance to your honor and glory guide and protect and fulfill our minds and body give us the strength in your name I pray amen" I said

We put on our scarfs and shoes and we grabbed the flags and scarves and walked out of the dance room.

We went to our chair and say the scarves and flags down on the chair and we sat down as church began to get full.

" God thank you for allowing us to see a new week Lord bless us on this wonderful and beautiful Sunday bless the participants in the service today bless Bishop as he prepares the word for today Lord in your name I pray amen " said Deacon Jones.

Minister Wroght welcomed us and they greeted one another then it was time for praise and worship we went up with the flags and scarves.

We danced with the flags first then the scarves and then praise and worship came to an end.

Sierra went up to sing a solo like she usually do every Shnday then we went up and got into position.

The first dance

The scripture verse was read and then we went back up to dance a second time then I would publically apologize to my dad.

" Good morning church coming now is Micaì and she wants to read something she wrote for her dad" said mom

I told my mom that I wanted to write an apology letter to dad and read it in church.

* Her apology will be in italic *

Dear dad I am sorry for sneaking out of your house twice I did not mean to disobey you I'm sorry for the fights I was in I'm sorry for back talking mom I'm sorry for back talking you I'm sorry for everything I did I know I disappointed you as your daughter I Micaì Keithra Stampley apologize for my actions I have done and I promise to be your Godly daughter I will lead by example and I will obey if I break this promise you can use the rod of correction on me

Sincerely your daughter

Micaì Keithra Stampley

" Micaì my Godchild I'm very proud of you and God will always bring favor to your life " said Bishop as he hugged me before I stepped down off the podium.

I went and sat down and my dad was surprised with the apology .

I gave him the apology letter I wrote for him and he told me that he would get it frame and that he accepted my apology.


Quick update

I have one more update and i will do the third book or continuation book.

Like i said in this book this is the second book or continuation book from the first book.

Do you think Micaì apology was sincere?

What you think will happen next?

What do you want to see happen next?

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