Chapter 32

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Today is Saturday and I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed I did my chores yesterday which was Friday.

All my assignments were complete and I just wanted to sleep and sleep no distraction .

" Micaì baby girl get up we going somewhere " said dad

" But daddy I'm sleepy where are we going "I said.

" I guess you dont want go six flags with us " said dad.

" wait what ok I do want to go let me go bathe and get ready daddy " I said as I jumped up out of my sleep.

" I know if I said we are going to six flags which is where we are going you would get out of bed fast " said dad.

He was killing himself laughing at me Haha funny daddy it ain't funny lol he want to play.

" Daddy that's not funny you owe me twenty dollars just for that " I said

He left my room and I went in my bathroom and did my usual hygiene.

I went back in my room and slipped on my underwear and some shorts then I found some skinny jeans I threw that on with a blue galaxy shirt.

I slipped some black ankle socks on and my Jordan's 1's on to match my outfit then I did a flat twist on both sides of my hair and I put it in one.

I went downstairs where my dad was he gave me a smoothie to drink and I drank it.

We were now on our way to six flags and i couldn't wait to get on the rides with Alyssa today was going to be a great day for me for sure.

We finally arrived at six flags and dad parked his car well range rover we all got out and met Alyssa them at the entrance.

So my dad paid for us to get in my Godfather did the same with Alyssa them we walked in to the ticket booth and got an all day past to go on all the rides.

Alyssa and I wanted to go on this roller coaster ride called acrophobia then we go on the blue hawk.

We went on that ride and as soon as it started we were screaming like I must be said I want my daddy like twenty times on that ride.

After the ride was finished we got out and went to Blue Hawk another roller coaster ride.

We went on the ride abr it was like going around in a circle I swear when we got off the ride I was dizzy it was funny.

Then my dad and I went on the bab roller coaster at least I had my teddy bear to hold on.

We went to a booth where my dad one me a pink teddy bear and he won other stuff for my brothers and I as well.

Dad got me candy and collectibles and we went and ate some food and we had some ice cream and other sweets.

To tell yall that this was the best day I had was truly the best day I had and I enjoyed it with my dad and my siblings , my Godparents and my best friend


Quick update

Did she have fun

What will happen next?

Should her and Alyssa go on tour with their dads and experience the tour life for 4 weeks.

The third booknor continuation book will be up soon bare with me

Dedicated to my supporters who always comment they know who they are

A and C

Hint that they know who I mean so yeah .

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