Chapter 28

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Mad was how I felt yesterday and I'm still mad my freaking mouth hurts like hell.

My dad literally squeezed my jaw my dad's hands are big and he is strong ugh I'm in pain.

I got up and went in my bathroom I did my usual hygiene then I went in my room and slipped on my underwear.

I threw on my skinny jeans and a blue shirt with blue flats then fixed my hair putting it in a high bun making sure my bun was nice and tight I slicked my edges down.

I packed my bag and placed my phone in my pocket I went downstairs and my dad was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

I didn't want to say anything to him cause I was mad at him and my jaw literally hurts so bad ugh my dad always do me in.

" Good morning to you too little girl I didn't wake up with you on the side of me so open your mouth and say Good morning" said dad

" Good morning are you happy now if I talk like I'm doing right now my jaw is hurting ok and I am mad at my teddy bear " I said

" Well your teddy bear disappointed in you for your actions yesterday " said dad.

" Daddy  you realized that you squeezed my jaw hard it is hurting " I said.

" I'm sorry for squeezing it but the next time you are rude to a teacher I will knock you in your mouth you hear me by the way I'm bringing lunch for you and Alyssa then I'm taking yall early " said dad.

" ok and I understand and I'm sorry for being disrespectful to my teacher " I said.

" Apology accepted baby girl but don't do that again and I'm serious I'm not playing with you either " said dad.

" Yes sir I promise not to do it again " I said .

" Good now eat your breakfast so I can take you and MJ to school a f dont forget I'm picking you, and MJ up early " said dad.

" Ok daddy I wont forget at all " I said as I ate my breakfast and drank my juice.

" Good now because I know ya behind is really sore and I'm tired of your teachers calling me " said dad

" Ok daddy I mean my science teacher called you twice and my history teacher called you once " I said.

" And your principal called me twice dont forget that Micaì " said dad

" Daddy sometimes them girls be picking on me until I stood up for myself " I said.

" Why you didn't tell me this huh baby girl I have the right to know who bullying my child " said dad

" I told mom and I told papa and papa called the school telling them that his granddaughter was being bullied they told the girls to stop and they didn't " I said.

" But are they still bullying you cause I would go down to that school  let any kid bully my children " said dad

" No sir after I got in a fight with my bullies they stopped messing with me and  glad they did" I said

" Good cause I dont want to have to come up to your school for them kids trust me because messing with my kids is something I don't like and I hate when people try to bully anyone " said dad.

At School

4th period

Alyssa and I were currently in history class which is fourth period and we were doing our assignment.

" Good afternoon class we have a special guest with us today please welcome gospel legend Micah Stampley and he is also the father of Micaì he is here to talk to you" said our principal.

" Thank you maam and I  am going to call my daughter Micaì to come up  here and I would like you students to pay attention because Micaì is going to apologize to her teacher for her behavior yesterday and Micaì if you ever do it to anyone of your teacher I will tear your behind up " said dad

I walked up to where my dad and teacher was he had me face her.

" I'm sorry for being rude and disrespectful and I will never do it again" I said

" Apology accepted and Micaì you and Alyssa arey top students and I want the best for yall" said my teacher.

" Alyssa and Micaì get your bags and come " said dad.

So we got our bags and followed him out the class he went to Mj class and got him he signed all us out and we left.

" Daddy I'm sorry for my behavior " I said apologizing again to get on my teddy bear good side.

Daddy took us home and cooked for us we ate and then we did our homework Alyssa was staying a night by us and I was so happy.


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