Chapter 26

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So I'm so happy and was surprised yesterday so guys my teddy bear is back home his trip ended early.

Well I'm currently comfortably sleeping in my bed happy that my teddy bear is back and I am ecstatic.

" Baby girl come get up and get ready we going for breakfast with your Godparents " said daddy.

" Daddy I missed you and you had to surprise me " I said as I snuggled in to my pillow .

" I miss my princess too and yes and your mom said that you know something was going to happen " said dad.

" yes and then yesterday while i was getting in mom's wrangler your car wasn't parked in its usual spot so i was  like its must be in the garage" I said

"  Well your mom came for me when my flight got in at nine and you and your siblings and Alyssa was asleep so me and your mom went to bed I got up early and ate breakfast I cooked and got in my car and went to church" said dad.

" Because everytime mom would drop me to school I know I would see your car park in the same spot so it was weird " I said.

" But did you know that you had to read soma in church " said dad.

" no sir because Bishop put me on the spot he said you gone read the biography of the speaker I didn't know it was you until he said it was your dad's biography " I said.

" It was my idea cause I know you wouldn't notice that you were reading about me and I wanted to surprise you so what was the best part about tour surprise " said dad.

" When Bishop said go to your daddy I was happy when I was in your arms I mean I started to cry but it was amazing cause I really missed you daddy " I said.

" I know and you are  happy that your teddy bear is back " said dad.

" Yes  I did plus like when you left I was emotional but I had to keep myself from crying " I said.

" The other two weeks of the tour got canceled because the states was having issues so we came back and I told my fans that I got to go back to my baby girl and sons " said dad

" That Momday the first day you were gone I slept in the bed with mom and wore one of your shirts because I missed you" I said.

" My shirt smelled like me huh but thwee is a picture of me on your night stand baby girl " said dad

" Yes it did and ik that there was a picture of  you on my night stand and like everytime I looked at your car I was like I wish daddy was home " I said

" Awe my but I'm back and wont be going on any tours for now now go get dressed " said dad

He walked out my room and I went straight into my bathroom I did my usual hygiene then I dried off and went in my room.

I slipped on my underwear and went to look for an outfit .

I slipped on my underwear and went to look for an outfit

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Her outfit

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs once I was dressed .

" Baby girl I love that shirt " said dad glad he liked it.

" Thanks daddy when inwas with mom in the store insane this shirt and showed it to mom and she was ok with me getting it " I said.

We went for breakfast and had an amazing time now why on our way to sky zone to have some fun

At Sky zone

We arrived and my dad and Godfather paid for us and went and took our shoes off and had a great time.

I was just glad that my teddy bear was back and know I'm happy as I can be.


Quick update

Micaì teddy bear is back yall

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