Chapter 18

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Today is another beautiful day and also the day when my braces gets tighten I'm not to excited so today I'm going to wear my sneakers.

I was currently  in my room getting dressed for today and today I was not happy  at all.

I was currently  in my room getting dressed for today and today I was not happy  at all

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Her outfit

I packed my bag and I grabbed my phone and jacket and went downstairs  where dad was in the kitchen.

" Good morning daddy and I'm not feeling today and you know why"I said as I sat on the island.

" Relax baby girl you will be fine ok stop it "said dad.

" Ok daddy but you gone mess with me and make those nasty smoothies ugh gross " I said.

" But you drink it right so it wasn't nasty to you " said dad.

" Because I am forced to drink those nasty gross smoothies " I said.

" Is that so younglady because its healthy for you "said dad.

" Ok you win I'm not going to argue with you on that " I said as I ate my breakfast.

" Baby girl you will be fine sounding stress yourself about it besides you are beautiful with the braces ok you still my intelligent daughter " said dad

" Thank you daddy and I have a handsome father " I said.

" Thank you baby girl now come yall so I can drop you two at school " said dad.

So we followed dad out the house and we got in his car like usual my other brothers were at school already courtesy of mom.

Dad pulled out the driveway and headed towards our school.

At school

As soon as I arrived at school I went by my locker and got my books for the first three classes.

Alyssa came shortly after I had arrived so we went to the bench and sat down after we got our  books for the first three periods.

" Today ain't the day for me I have an orthodontist appointment ugh " I said

" Girl you gone be ok " said Alyssa as we continued to sat down on the bench and waited for the first bell.

" Sure but daddy is going to mess with me afterwards and he always doing that to me ugh it makes me mad " I said

" I can imagine him doing that to you lol he only messing with you lol" said Alyssa.

" Trust me he gone mess with me and I have an appointment at 1 but he is coming for me at 12 and bringing you and MJ lunch plus I have to brush my teeth before I leave " I said.

" Ok that's great and you will be fine Caì" said Alyssa.

" Thanka but I wont be fine but I'm going to choose pink when I go to get my braces tighten " I said.

The bell had finally rang so we went to our first period class and we sat down at our usual spot .

We wrote down the notes and did the class assignments then we wrote down the homework which we did.

After that we just sat down and waited until the second bell ring so we can go to our second period class.

30 minutes later

We were now in second period and we sat down in our usual seats and we took down the  otes on the board we did the worksheet she provided and we took the homework down.

We ended up sitting in class just waiting I got bored so I started to sketch some things out I went to my phone and started writing some stuff down on my phone.

Lunch time

So it's like almost twelve and I put my stuff up except my bag so I'm at the table sitting down with Alyssa.

Waiting on dad to come and I didn't notice when I looked up Alyssa had her lunch and dad was standing there waiting for me.

So I grabbed my bag and phone and followed him out of the cafeteria and he had already signed me out.

So we walked out the school and we got in his Mercedes Benz dad pulled out of the parking lot and we were now on our way to the orthodontist ugh I'm freaking out .

We arrived at the orthodontist  we got out and went inside dad signed me in and he also paid the next payment and we sat down and waited until my name was called.

We were finally called and we went in the back and into a room dad sat down as I sat down in the chair waiting for the orthodontist .

" Hello Micaì how are you doing today are you having problems with the braces are you eating the things I tell you to eat" said the orthodontist.

" No maam  and yes my dad makes sure I dont eat what I'm not supposed to eat" I said.

" Ok so I'm just gonna take the rubber off and you can choose the new color it will be tight " said the orthodontist.

" Ok thank you and I want pink this time please" I said as I gave her the color so she went in the draw and choose the pink and got started.

" Ok thank you and I want pink this time please" I said as I gave her the color so she went in the draw and choose the pink and got started

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How it looks that's not her it's just how the pink looks.

After she did that we went to receptionist and booked an appointment in two weeks after that we left.

" How do you feel baby girl " said dad as he pulled out the parking lot.

" I'm good daddy its tight but not really tight but I'm good " I said.

" Caì I have to tell you something inwas going to tell you tomorrow but I will tell you now" said daddy.

" Ok what do you have to tell me is it good or bad news" I said.

" Well it kinda both so I have to go on tour for five weeks and I leave Monday but I will be back in time for Bishop Anniversary service " said dad.

" No I don't want you to leave daddy no " I said on the verge of tears.

I can't believe my daddy had to go on tour for five weeks it's sad I am gonna miss my daddy.


A lengthy update

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