Chapter 12

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Another day of school and it's like six in the morning I'm up early because I'm meeting Alyssa at school early.

So I'm currently getting dressed dad is taking me to school since he has somewhere to be.

So I'm currently getting dressed dad is taking me to school since he has somewhere to be

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Her outfit

After I was dressed I put my curly hair in a neat bun then I grabbed my bag and went downstairs I was in a rush so I would get breakfast at school.

Dad was ready so I followed him out the door by the time he pulled out it was seven twenty so I was just in time and not to early to be at school.

We arrived at school dad handed me some money and told me to get breakfast since I didn't eat breakfast.

I got out his car and went inside the school a few students were here and Alyssa was by the locker.

" Good morning thanks for meeting me we should be able to finish the assignments we got I manage do some when I arrive home " said Alyssa.

" Good morning I did some of them i just have like three more to complete and I'm done and I'm kinda hungry I didn't have breakfast " I said.

" Well let's go in the cafe you know they have two different cooks right one cooks breakfast and one does lunch now I dont know how the breakfast is we will see" said Alyssa.

We went in the cafe and we went to get breakfast I got grits ,bacon.and eggs I dont know how the breakfast is cause I used to eating breakfast prepared by my parents.

So we sat down at a table and we started to eat our breakfast now it wasn't great but it wasn't that bad.

We threw the plates away and placed the tray on top of the garbage i grabbed my phone and bag and followed Alyssa out of the cafe.

A few minutes after eating that breakfast I dont know but I started to feel not ok like someone deliberately put something in my breakfast I wasn't looking when I paid for it.

" Alyssa I do not feel ok its seven thirty the bell is going to ring but I dont feel at all carry me to the bathroom " I said.

So she walked with me to the bathroom so I went in a bathroom stall and I started to throw up the food I had just consumed.

After that we went to our locker and I started to feel horrible again like part of me felt like I was going to fall out.

I dropped down on the floor I was feeling weak so I was conscious but I couldn't move.

" Someone help me please my best friend just passed out on the floor Micaì ita going to be ok " she said .

Less than two minutes I heard the ambulance near by so they came with a stretcher and placed me on the stretcher Alyssa got in the ambulance.

" Alyssa please message my dad " I said as I went out of consciousness.


Continuing in Alyssa's POV


I was in the ambulance with my best friend who also happens to be my Godsister I didn't know what was going on at all.

I feel like someone poisoned her so I messaged my Godfather from her phone.

We were now at the hospital I sat in the waiting room as they help her .

The paramedics said I was very brave and that I did a great job helping my friend out and they thanked me for alerting my Godfather.

" Alyssa baby girl tell what happened is Micaì alright " said Godfather Micah

" Godfather she started complaining but how she feels bad after eating the breakfast so she told me to carry her to the bathroom and so she threw up what she ate sonwe went by our lockers then she passed out so I yelled for help and then the ambulance came she told me to message you so I did" I said.

" Hi Mr.Stampley Micaì is asking for you and Alyssa " said the doctor.

I got up and followed Godfather to the room they said she is in.

Back to Micaì POV

I woke up and I was hooked up to an iv to help me feel better.

" Hello Micai how are you feeling now that we got the poison the poison out " said the doctor .

" I'm feeling better can I see my daddy and best friend Alyssa please" I said.

" Ok I will get them for you ok and then we will send you home soon " said the doctor.

" Hi baby girl how are you feeling Alyssa told me what happened " said dad.

" I am ok they pumped the rest of the poison out of my system now they have an iv in me so I can get better " I said.

" That's great baby girl I'm glad your ok soon we will be able to go home" said dad.

" I'm glad you ok I got scared " said Alyssa .

" I'm glad you were by my side because you were able to get help thank you best friend " I said.

" Your welcome anytime you are my best friend " said Alyssa.

I was in my clothes but my jeans and shoes so I wasn't in a hospital gown and I had shorts or spandex under my jeans.

" So Micaì I am.going to check to see if your stomach hurts I'm gonna raise your shirt a bit" said the doctor.

She did that and I really didn't feel any pain so she said I was good to go and also that the nurse will have the release papers for my dad to sign.

So I went to the bathroom and put my jeans on then I sat back on the bed while my dad slipped my shoes on.

Dad signed released forms and we went home Alyssa got picked up a 1hile ago and dad and I went home.


Quick update

The next chapter will be up soon

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