Chapter 2

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So today I'm going to church with mom to practice today for the solo and the dance with Alyssa.

So I got out of bed and went in my bathroom I did my usual hygiene and then I went back in my room.

I slipped my underwear on then I went and slipped on dance clothes my shoes was in my dance bag and mom told me to bring extra clothing I dont know what for.

So I packed an outfit and placed it in my bag with some shoes to go with the outfit.

Her dance outfit

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Her dance outfit

After I was dressed I went downstairs dad was downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

" Good morning daddy " I said as I put my bag down on the next chair and say down.

" Good morning Caì here eat up and I will see you tonight " said dad.

" Thank you daddy and why you cut the chicken and the beef up you do know I was angry yesterday " I said.

I ate my breakfast which was waffles, bacon and eggs and dads buttery biscuits and my apple juice.

I was done eating and I washed my dishes and then I grabbed my bag as mom came downstairs dad gave her a to go plate and a bottle of juice.

We got in moms bmw and she drove off the driveway and we were on our way to the church Alyssa will be joining us at 12.

So we were in the car and we were having a mother daughter bonding time .

" Mommy you see what daddy did to me yesterday we cut my meat up like I'm two years old " I said.

"  Yes I saw that I told him that you were angry at him for doing that to you he was like he was trying help you " she said .

" Ok well I thought he was messing with me like he does all the time" I said.

We arrived at church and I went to the stage and mom started the music I changed my shoes.

" Micaì keep up the good job do it again cause practice makes perfect " said mom.

" Ok mommy I will do it again then I'm going try the solo next " I said .

So the music started again and I started to dance I started to get in the song more and it felt like Sunday when i was dancing.

" Now that's better Caì keep it up and now go work on the solo "said mom.

I worked on the solo for Sunday and I practiced until I was sure I got the dance correctly since I doing a solo Sunday.

" I'm here Micaì now we can practice the dance now that I'm here " said Alyssa.

" Great your here I miss you dad kept messing with me from Tuesday " I said.

" Wait when you get braces it looks good on you girl " said Alyssa

" Well I just got it Tuesday and from I got  it dad has been messing with me from I got my braces on " I said.

" I could imagine Godfather messing with you lol what he do make a disgusting smoothie for you to drink" said Alyssa.

" Yes the smoothienhe made had broccoli and kale in it then the second one had carrots and spinach in it " I said.

" Ewww that's really gross how you drink that it tastes nasty just by the way you say it " said Alyssa.

" It actually was good because he had fruits in it so I didn't know he had broccoli and kale in it until he told that it was in the smoothie " I said.

We were at church until like six so Alyssa and were in the bathroom changing because we were going to TGI Fridays for dinner .

Mom went to get my brothers because dad was here she told me so he probably was outside waiting for us.

Mom went to get my brothers because dad was here she told me so he probably was outside waiting for us

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Their outfit

I grabbed my bag and walked out with Alyssa behind me.

" Hey daddy I miss you " I said going to him .

" You did hey Godchild how you doing baby girl " he said.

" Hey Godfather Micah I'm good I saw you and Micaì on tv I loved the interview and it's not Caì fault for the fight the girl pulled her hair " said Alyssa.

" I'm glad you liked it and Caì told me what happened so why did that you g lady called my name cause I didn't do anything to her " said dad.

" I was mad like keep my daddy name out your mouth unless you got something nice to say about him" I said.

" Girl she made me mad like dont you call my Godfather name like he ain't do nothing and Tanasha came up to me yesterday I was like my sister beat you try me if you want to but I will beat you too " said Alyssa.

" They be trying to get to me but it dont affect me at all you can talk bout my dad but if you say something bad about my dad that's when I will get heated " I said.

" Ok babygirl yall ready to go cause your mom is there with your brothers and your Godparents should be there soon so let's go" said dad.

We got in his Mercedes Benz and he drove off towards the restaurant.

When we got there we were seated by mom them and then we were handed menus and we ordered we talked and ate and we left separately.

I ended up going back with dad and we reached home before mom.


Quick chapter

Chapter 3 and 4 will be up soon

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