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summary - felix wants the readers attention

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summary - felix wants the readers attention.
warnings - handjobs, mommy kink, needy!felix

felix really wanted your attention. it had been a very long day for the both of you, you coming home from a very long day at work, and felix coming back from a stressful practice. he absolutely hates to bother you, especially if you've had a long day. he didn't want to put more stress upon you, so, he sat in silence. currently, the both of you were sat on the couch. felix sat away from you, absentmindedly watching whatever was on tv at the moment. you were just scrolling through your phone mindlessly, mind elsewhere.

felix felt like his body was on fire with arousal. he was painfully hard in his boxers, and the way the tight jeans rubbed against him wasn't any help. he clenched his thighs together for some sort of relief. his face was flushed red, and his breathing was slightly ragged.

you looked up from your phone curiously to check on your surroundings when your eyes landed on felix, anxious and blushy, legs bouncing in anticipation. "lix, are you okay?" you ask him. his head snapped to meet yours, as if your voice was unexpected. "y-yeah. i'm fine." he cursed himself for stuttering. you raised an eyebrow at him.

"come here, baby." you told him, putting your phone down and patting the spot behind you. on shaky legs, he complied, walking over to sit by you. almost immediately, he was clinging to you, warping his arms around your form and burying his face in your neck. you didn't mind his clingyness, but matched with the way his personality seems off, things didn't add up for you.
"you okay lix?" you repeat the question, and this time felix couldn't t hide it. he mumbled his words into your neck, hoping he wouldn't have to repeat them. "lix, i can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong." you told him softly, looking at him as he pulled away with a red face.

"i-i'm hard." he mumbled, still very quiet, but loud enough for you to hear. you inched closer to him, placing a hand on his upper thigh, watching as he shivered. "why didn't you just tell me, baby boy?" you asked him, moving your hand to cup the very prominent bulge in his pants.

"didn't w-wanna burden you." he admitted, shivering again as you gripped him. "you can never burden me, lixie." you told him, making a move to unbutton his pants. you successfully got them and his boxers down to his lower thighs his cock stood at attention, pretty and red, and dripping with copious amounts of precum.

you lifted his shirt a little, placing a small kiss on his abdomen and hip bone. you ran your hands over his stomach and thighs, teasing him slightly.your hand rand just slightly over the veins of his cock. "please, mommy, don't tease." he begged, hips stuttering, longing for your touch. you smiled to yourself and finally placed a hand on his cock and he sighed in relief.

you slowly wrapped your hand around it, moving slowly up and down his shaft, using your thumb to stimulate the sensitive bundle of nerves at the tip, and circle his slit. f—faster, mommy, please." his hips bucked into your hand, trying to get more friction.

with his words, you changed your paces entirely. you moved your hand up and down his shaft fast, watching as he let out a gasp of surprise, hips stuttering to keep up with your fast pace. "f-fuck, mommy, so good." he moaned, biting his bottom lip.

it didn't take long for a heat to pool in his belly, for a coil to form. "c-close, mommy." he moaned, breathing growing more and more jagged. his abdominal muscles clenched and unclenched, tightening as he neared release.

"cum whenever you want, baby boy." you told him, swiping a thumb over his slit. that was his breaking point. his hips faltered in movement and he tensed, cock twitching as he came, coming on his stomach and your hand.

he went limp, breathing heavily, and trying to regain composure. you wiped the cum off his stomach and your hand with a tissue, and pulled his pants up. you pulled him up so that he could lay between your legs. "feel better, lixie?" you asked him, running fingers through his hair. "definitely, thank you, y/n." he said, yawing sleepily as he lay on your stomach.

"get some rest, lixie. love you." you told him. "love you too, y/n/n."

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