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Anonymous asked:smol Sub!Felix with a size kink wanting to be carried and ass fucked against the wall pls? omfg I love your work

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Anonymous asked:
smol Sub!Felix with a size kink wanting to be carried and ass fucked against the wall pls? omfg I love your work.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing - felix x reader
genre - smut
summary - felix enjoys your heigh a bit too much
warnings -sub! felix, male!dom!reader, wall sex, pinning, size kink
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"food'll be ready in a minute, lixie." you told your boyfriend as you hovered over the stove. felix has his head propped up on his hand as he stared at you. he looked up at your tall form dreamily, sighing as he thought of ... things.

felix was so much smaller than you, and felix might've had a small size kink becuase of that. he often times - like this time - found himself dreaming and fantasizing of you being rough with him, pinning him against a wall, fucking him against a wall. he was getting hard at the thought.

"uh, lix? are you okay?" you asked, concerned as to why your boyfriend was staring off into space. he snapped out of his trance like state and put his eyes on you. his cheeks instantly reddened and he adverted his eyes. "y-yeah, it's nothing." he mumbled with a shy smile. you leaned over the island counter and pulled his smaller hand into your big one and looked into his eyes. "you sure? your cheeks are red..." you said, a teasing tone to your words.

"j-just thinking." he laughed nervously. "about...?" you asked curiously, still teasing him. "about you, doing things..." he was quiet and let his sentence trail off. you raised an eyebrow and smirked. you walked back to the stove to turn down the heat, and walked back over to where felix was to sit beside him. you pulled his smaller frame closer to you, and leaned in close. "gonna ask one more time, lix. what were you thinking about?" your words made him shiver, and the close proximity of your face to his was almost too much. "w-was thinking of you pinning me to a wall, fucking me agaisnt a wall." he mumbled, face become inflamed.

"was that so hard?" you asked, placing a hand on the tent in his pants. he whimpered at your action, his sounds going straight to your cock as you hardened in your own pants. you pulled away and stood up. he followed your moments, and almost immediately after he stood up, you pinned him to the nearest wall. "is this what you fantasized about, lixie? me being able to pin you so easily?" you asked, putting your knee in between his legs, and watching as he grinned on your knee needily.

"f-fuck, yes," he whimpered. you groaned as you headed the sounds that fell from his perfect lips. you hurried to strip yourself of your pants and shirt, not missing how felix practically drooled over your physique. you just smiled cockily. he stripped himself of his own clothes, and you bit your lip at the sight. you attached your lips with felix's and he wrapped his arms around your neck.

"fuck, baby, jump," you whispered between kisses. he jumped slightly and wrapped his legs around you, you put your hands on his bottom and held him up. he continued to whimper as you left hickies on his neck and down his collarbones. you reached under him to begin to prep him, but he stopped you. "i-i'm already prepped." he admitted. "you expected this to happen, hm. you're full of surprises, little one."you whispered to him.

you pulled your hard cock out of your boxers, and rubbed the tip against his hole. "fuck." he breathed. you pushed into him slowly, letting out a deep groan as you buried yourself fully into him. "fuck, lix, you're so fucking tight," you growl into his ear.
you begin to move your hips, bucking into his rapidly. "fuck, sir, so b-big," he was moaning and whining into your shoulder. "you're taking me so well," you praise, watching as you move in and out of him. his moaned increased in volume and frequency, and you knew he was getting close. "getting close? this fast?" you teased and sped up your hips. "fuck y-yes,"he stuttered, head tilting back. his arms leaned down, and he sunk his nails into your back, leaving crescents and scratches in their wake. his normally neat hair stuck to his forehead, and a light layer of sweat covered his body.

"i-i'm gonna c-cum- oh fuck- p-please sir!" he couldn't control himself as his mind was fuzzy and clouded with the feeling of you and only you. "cum, baby boy- fuck," you groaned into his ear. he stilled and teased as he came, spasming and clenching around your cock as he did so. he twitched and release with a drawn out groan. his orgasm triggered your own, you held him tight against you as you came inside of him, painting his insides with warm cum.

you pulled out of him slowly, watching him wince form over sensitivity. he held onto you for a little longer than necessary when you set him in his feet. "i don't think i can walk..." he mumbled against your chest. you just smirked and picked him up — bridal style — and carried him. "i'll get you cleaned up first, and then bring you food in bed." you mumbled as you kissed his cheek. "love you, felix." you said sincerely. "love you too, m/n." he cuddled into your side.

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