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baby-jihoon asked:i love your blog!! can i request punishing sub!minho from skz because he's being a brat on purpose just to rile you up and you decided to teach him a lesson? thank you so much! :)

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baby-jihoon asked:
i love your blog!! can i request punishing sub!minho from skz because he's being a brat on purpose just to rile you up and you decided to teach him a lesson? thank you so much! :)

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing - minho x reader
genre - smut
summary - minho needs a little lesson in obedience
warnings -sub!minho, dom reader, brat taming, slight bondage, begging, teasing
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

minho glared at you as he tugged on the restraints. you were beside him, trailing a hand up and down his abdomen. he was completely naked on the bed, wrists up and bound above his head against the headboard. his cock stood at attention, the tip was an angry red and precum was spilling from the head.

"you wouldn't be here if you'd just been good for me, minho," you told him as he continuously pulled at the rope. all he did was buck his hips up in response. "if you want something you have to beg, baby." you told him, hand trailing closer and closer to where he needed you most.

"f-fuck you." he said through gritted teeth. "okay, i gave you a chance." you said, your tone dripping mischief. unexpectedly, you had your hand on his cock, and wrapped around his shaft. the unexpected feeling made him moan out loud. up and down, you moved your hand on his cock, moving slowly to tear those beautiful moans from him.

"fuck - go f-faster." he said as he bucked his hips up. "beg for it and maybe i'll consider it." you told him. he was quiet after that, seldom letting out whimpers.

"you getting close, baby boy? ready to cum?" you teased, reducing your strokes as slow tugs. "m-mhm." he hummed, breathing getting heavier as his abdomen convulsed. "well," you begin, tugging at his cock a few more times to get him on the brink of his orgasm. "that's too bad, isn't it?" you asked, pulling your hand away completely. he whined in frustration, warm tears pricking at his eyes. his hips bucked up into air as he tried hard to get that friction he so desperately craved to push him over the edge.

you pulled a wand vibrator from the array of toys splayed across the side of the bed and switched it on. you put it on the middle setting before putting it at the base of his cock. he began to squirm as you moved it up and down, the sensitivity from the previous edged orgasm coming back to him in powerful waves of arousal. he didn't bother being quiet this time, he let his moans go free.

you moved up to the head of his cock, and held it there, very seldom moving it in small circular motions. you watched in amusement as he bucked his hips up against the toy again and again, already getting close again. "fuck i-i'm close, i'm so, s-so c-close." he managed it stutter out. his eyes closed and his hands clenched and unclenched around nothing in the grasp of the rope.

you pulled away again, watching as his eyes snapped open and the tears began to flow down his cheeks. "no, no, no." he let out a short sob. "please, please, please! i-ik sorry, mistress! please let me cum, please, please, please!" he finally broke. he begged and sobbed for you to finally let him cum, and you watched him. "ready to be my good boy now, minho?" you asked, rubbing your hand on his thigh. "yes, wanna be a g-good boy for you," he said, looking at you hopefully.

nodding your head, you turned the toy back on, putting it at its highest setting and placing it directly over his sensitive slit. "oh f-fuck, please, mistress, i'm s-so - shit - sensitive." he choked out. you continued with your antics, adding your other hand in the mix to twist and tug at his cock. "i-if you k-keep — oh — doing t-that, i'm gonna c-cum." he pleaded as you pleased him. "you're allowed to cum now, minho. cum for me, baby." you told him.

he stopped squirming and convulsing, and stilled. his eyes clenched shut, and he bit his lip. he came messily, such a large amount covering your hand, and the toy. "thank you," he said, shivering from the aftermath of his orgasm. a light sheen of sweat covered his body. his hair stuck to his forehead, and he leaned into his arms.

you reached up and untied his wrists, noting at how sore they looked from his struggling against the rope. he gingerly rubbed his wrists as you put the toys away and cleaned him up with extra cloth. you got some ointment to soothe his wrists and helped him apply it.

afterwards, you pulled him close to you, causing him to bury his head into your shoulder. "you did so well for me today, baby." you told him.

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