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summary - fingering with jisungwarnings - sub!jisung, dom!reader, fluff, smut, aftercare, orgasm denial, fingering(m!receiving), mommy kink

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summary - fingering with jisung
warnings - sub!jisung, dom!reader, fluff, smut, aftercare, orgasm denial, fingering(m!receiving), mommy kink

"you love my fingers, don't you, ji?" you asked teasingly. "the way they fill you up?" you slowed the pace of your fingers after not receiving an answer from the boy. "fuck y-yes, mommy! love the way they filll m-me-" he cut his sentence off with a moan as you picked up your pace again.

"this blissed over my fingers, hm?" you asked rhetorically, trailing teasing fingers up and down his sensitive thighs, watching as he squirms. "f-fuck, mommy please, gonna cum!" he moaned out, thighs twitching as he neared closer to an orgasm. you pulled your fingers away just as he was about to cum.

he whined as you did so, wanting so desperately to cum. you gave him enough time to calm down before continuing, two of your fingers entering him slowly. your fingers curled, and immediately hit that spot inside of him. his back arched, and his cock twitched. he was so sensitive, that he almost came from that action alone.

your other hand moves to his cock, teasing the shaft as you slowly moved your hand around it. he moaned at the feeling, breathing picking up and getting heavier. you tuned the thrusts of your fingers to the pumps of your hand around his cock, the paired sensations making him almost scream in pure ecstasy.

"cum- mommy, p-please, fuck!" he was barely able to put together a sentence anymore, the overwhelming pleasure getting to him. "cum whenever baby boy." you told him, making sure to hit his prostate more frequently. his thighs shook as he came, hips bucking up to meet your hand and your fingers.

cum dripped from his cock as it twitched, cum covering your hand and pooling on his stomach. "fuck-" he cursed as he came down from his high, mind fuzzy with pleasure.

"thank you, y/n." he mumbled as you got a t-shirt to clean him up. "of course, sungie." you smiled at him. "are you okay for a quick shower?" you asked him, and he nodded his head slowly. you helped him off the bed, and pulled him towards the shower, immediately turning the shower to a high heat. after the shower, you took him to your bed and cuddled with him under the covers, running calming fingers through his hair.

"i'm so proud of you, ji, you did so well." you whispered to him as he lay his head on your chest. "you made me feel good, too." he told you, snuggling into you farther as his eyes drooped. "get some sleep, sungie." you told him, kissing his forehead lovingly.

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