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there's not enough sub!joon on this site

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there's not enough sub!joon on this site.
warning - sub!joon, dom!reader, fluff, comfort, insecure!joon
this also for my readers who don't feel loved often so in case no one has told you, i love you 👉🏾👈🏾☺️

a/n - this was posted on my wattpad, then i posted it to tumblr, now i'm posting it again to this book. so, i'll publish two chapters today for those who have already seen this one.

you hummed to yourself quietly as you walked to the dorms of bangtan. with special clearance, you were let in immediately. as soon as you walked in, you saw jin cooking in the kitchen, yoongi laying on a couch reading a book, jungkook, jimin, and taehyung were playing video games.

you decided to talk to jin, as he was probably the least occupied. "hey, jin. do you know where namjoon is? i came to hang out with him for a while on my lunch break." jin smiled at you and nodded his head. "hey, he's in his studio. can you give him this food? he hasn't came out all day." he remembered sadly. "sure." you nodded your head and grabbed some food from him. they were freshly sealed in tight containers.

you smiled at jin an again and left towards namjoon's studio. you knocked softly before just barging in. "joon? it's me. i came to give you some food." you told him through the door. all you heard from the other side was silence. "i'm coming in." you opened the door slowly and stepped in.

you looked towards namjoon's desk and computer, but he wasn't there. you scanned the room the find him sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. he had his knees pulled to his chest, and his head was buried in his hands. upon seeing him, you put the food on a nearby table and rushed over to him.

"joonie? what's wrong?" you asked, sitting down next to him. he sniffled slightly, and raised his head up. his eyes were red and puffy, and his cheeks were stained with fresh tears. more tears started to fall down as he saw you. he whimpered slightly as he continued to cry.

"i-i'm sorry." he sniffled again. you placed both of your hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears. "i-i just don't feel l-like i'm good enough for y-you, BTS, or Army." he admitted. "I c-can't seem to do anything right, and i'm having trouble on this song. it's due friday." he looked sadly at his abandoned computer.

"you are good enough, joon. i love you, BTS loves you, and army loves you, joon." i pull him into a hug, and soothingly ruffle his hair. "i love you so much, namjoon. you're my everything." you tell him, and it was the truth, you did love him and he was your everything.

he laid his head in your shoulder. "i love you too." he says back. "don't be sorry joon, everyone has moments where they don't feel their best and that's okay. as long as you know you're loved." you hug him tighter. "i'm sure you've been in her all day, let's eat some of the food jin packed." you gave him a small smile. you grabbed the food from the desktop, and gave him one of the containers.

"thank you, y/n." he looks at you thoughtfully. "of course, namjoon." he gives you a shy smile, and opens his food. "i love you, don't ever forget that." you told him, rubbing his back softly.

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