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summary - you call them babyboy for the first time

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summary - you call them babyboy for the first time.
warnings - really just tooth rotting fluff because i can't see the boys in that way🥺



*his real name is seongjun*

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*his real name is seongjun*

a true fake maknae. he'd be absolutely over the moon ecstatic. he'd be sitting on the opposite end of the couch, scrolling through his phone. "what would you like from the store, babyboy? i need to pick up some groceries for the dorms." you say nonchalantly as you wrote a list of groceries.

he'd be happy, and show it. "y-you called me babyboy?" he couldn't stop the ultra wide smile that went over his face. his eyes twinkled, and he moved to sit beside you. "i take it you like the nickname?" you asked with a chuckle. he nodded against your shoulder. "but no, there's nothing we need from the store, so you can stay home." he said, a big smile still on his face. he would most definitely try to get you to stay home just so he could hear you call him babyboy whenever you addressed him.


*his real name is seungmin*

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*his real name is seungmin*

would be, like seongjun, over the moon happy, but wouldn't necessarily show it. he'd carry on as if you hadn't said it, but internally, he'd be screeching. "here, babyboy." you told him, handing him a bottle of water. "thank you." he replied, a small smile on his face. he's composed on the outside, but inside he's a puddle.

if you called him by his actual name sometime in the future, he wouldn't answer you at all. it was like babyboy was his new name. "hey, seungmin, do you have practice today?" you asked, wondering what the plans were for that afternoon. he didn't answer, he just looked at you momentarily and went back to texting win on his phone. with a sigh and roll of your eyes, you say, "babyboy?" he snapped his head up to meet yours with a smile. "yes?"


would 9/10 blush every time you called him babyboy

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would 9/10 blush every time you called him babyboy. he's normally really giggly and smiley but you calling him baby boy would make him not know how to function properly.

"babyboy, what would you like after practice?" you asked. it was a simple question, yet it sent minjae's cheeks aflame. would probably try an pretend it was a normal occurrence and nickname, but couldn't stop blushing at the sound of the name.

"a-anything is fine." he would stuttered with an awkward smile.


huijun is a quiet, but chaotic quiet

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huijun is a quiet, but chaotic quiet. he's also very straightforward. "are you okay, babyboy?" you asked him. he had been unusually quiet.

he'd look at you all wide eyed and shocked. "i-i like it when you call me that." he said with red cheeks and ears. the sight was absolutely adorable.


(he's the first one

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(he's the first one.)
*his real name is bang junhyuk*

he's the youngest, so i just picture him going back to the dorms from a long practice and day of teasing just wanting to relax.

so he finds you sitting down in the living room and groggily draped himself over you. to which you wrapped your arms around him. "long day baby boy?" you asked softly, placing your phone down.

he would not know what to do. he would immediately get all blushy and stuttery. and his voice would crack too. "uh- yeAh. l-long dAy." he laugh nervously and try to hide his blush.

you'd just laugh to yourself about how easily shy you made him with a simple nickname.

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