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summary - chan calls himself daddy once, and it backfires

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summary - chan calls himself daddy once, and it backfires.
warnings - sub!chan, dom!reader, rimming, bondage, edging, orgasm denial, begging, degrading, praise, aftercare, smut, fluff

you pull chris into your shared apartment by his arm, tugging him to the bedroom and pushing him to the bed. he laid back and looked up at you with a mixture of nervousness, excitement, and arousal. "so, you had the nerve to go on live and pretend to be a dom?" you laughed darkly. you straddled him and pushed him back farther, teasingly leaning forward to hover over his lips. "kiss me, please?" he asked. you kissed him softly, with a passion that had him following your lips as you pulled away.
"we're doing things a little differently tonight, chris." you stood up allowing him to sit up too. you pull a wooden chair to the middle of the room, and retrieve your box of toys from your closet.

you ran your hands over the man things inside and pulled out a pretty blue ribbon. "up, strip, and kneel on the chair." he followed your commands smoothly, stripping himself of his clothing and kneeling on the chair away from you.
you used the ribbon to tie his hands above him so they rested on the top of the chair. you tied his ankles to the legs of the chair. this position gave you the leverage and ability to see all of him, but still have him be restricted. next, out of the box was a matching blue vibrating cock ring.

you secured it on, and he whimpered. "color?" you asked, playing with the pretty rope ties. "green, so green." he said, and moaned at the feeling of being so exposed to you. you stripped yourself of clothing, leaving you in only some lingerie and heels.
you sat on the bed, eyeing him. you reached out, and finally, you touched him. your touch felt amazing. immediately he moaned at the feeling of your hands working skillfully on his cock, working him over and bringing him to an orgasm.
"fuck- gonna cum-" he moaned, throwing his head back as his toes curled and his hands clenched and unclenched around nothing in the ribbon. his cock twitched, and you pulled away just as he was about to have a dry orgasm.
he whined and panted, recovering from his edging. you ran soothing hands down his back, cooing. "you okay?" you asked, running a hand through his hair. "y-yes." he confirmed. you nodded, and continued your plan.

you turned the cock ring on, and let it vibrate against the bass of his cock. he instantly started to moan again, hands pulling at the ribbon. "tell me, channie. you had fun, didn't you? calling yourself daddy, and pretending to be such a controlling dom on live? especially when we both know you're just a little submissive behind closed doors, hm?" you asked him, getting behind him and spreading his cheeks. all that left his mouth were moans, and when you didn't get an answer, you slapped his ass firmly. "answer me, slut."

"n-no, fuck- i didn't!" he finally moaned out, thighs twitched slightly. "fuck, mistress, gonna cum!" his back arched and he shook, experiencing a dry orgasm. he panted and whined, tears gathering in his eyes. the vibrations were still going, and he whimpered form overstimulation. you stood up and walked in front of him and he looked up at you.

you grabbed him by the chin, "suck." you told him, two of your fingers going into his mouth. he swirled them around with his tongue, getting them wet with his saliva. you pulled them out, a trail of saliva connecting with his lips. you walked back around to behind him and kneeled down, pressing a finger to his rim. slowly, you pushed a finger into him, moving it in and out at a steady pace.

soon, you added a second finger, and quickened they pace of your fingers. you curled them slightly, and they immediately found his prostate p. he moaned out loudly, thighs already beginning to shake again. "you like that channie? being put in your place and realizing how submissive you truly are for me? being absolutely ruined?" you sped up your pace with your words, reaching around to wrap a hand around his cock, matching the speed with the way you pumped your fingers in and out of him. "yes! fuck, i love it mistress!" he all but screamed.

he dry-orgasmed again, sobbing as the vibrations once again, continued. "please, please, let me cum-" he begged you. "color?" you asked, checking in once more. "green- i really n-need to cum!" he moaned, words shaky. "okay, channie. i'll let you cum this time."

you turned off the cock ring and took it off, rubbing his thighs soothingly. you resumed your position behind him. "you can cum whenever, baby boy." you told him. you spread his cheeks, licked around his rim. you licked inside of his hole and swirled your tongue. he was already so sensitive, that it should've took long for him to cum. you continued to eat him out as he screamed out moans until his throat was raw.

he bucked his hips back, your tongue going deeper inside of him. "i'm coming! i'm coming, fuck!" he strung together a shaky and incoherent sentence as he came, copious amounts of cum getting all over his stomach, the chair, and the rope. his back arched and he shivered. you pulled away after helping him ride his orgasm.

quickly, as he was coming down from the rush of euphoria, you untied the ropes, and laid him on the bed gently, cleaning him with a warm towel. "are you up for a bath, channie?" he nodded his head slowly and sleepily. you ran some hot bath water, and carefully helped him up and into the tub.

he laid between your legs, head thrown back into your shoulder as he panted. "you okay, channie?" you asked him, getting a loofah to rub soap all over his spent body. "y-yeah, just physically tired." he mumbled. "if it was too much, you should've told me." you told him, rinsing the soap off his body. "no, it wasn't too much, i loved every second of it." he reassured you.
"you took it so, so, so well, channie." you praised him, and even now, his cheeks tinted pink. "i mean it. you took it so well. i'm proud of you." you told him, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder. he smiled airily.

you finished bathing yourself and chan, and carefully got out the tub, holding him as you dried him off. you lead him to the bed where you put him down and tucked him in. "i'll be right back, channie, i'm going to get you water and a snack bar." you told him.

you quickly went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and a s'mores flavored granola bar. you walked back to the room, and got in bed with him, helping him sit up and drink some of the water. "thank you," he said, and you fed him half the granola bar. you out both things on your bedside table, and held him in your arms.

"i love you, channie." you told him, running fingers through his hair and rubbing his arms. "i love you too, y/n." he said, leaning back into comfortably and to sleep.

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