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summary - hyunjin receives overstimulation and thigh riding as a punishment

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summary - hyunjin receives overstimulation and thigh riding as a punishment.
warnings - sub!hyunjin, dom!reader, thigh riding, degrading, overstimulation, fluff, smut, aftercare

"no, hyunjin. either you cum on my thigh, or not at all." you told the boy that was pathetically rutting against your thigh. he just whined. "this is your punishment, so take it like a good little slut." he moaned and moved faster upon hearing the name.
"you like that don't you? you like it when i call you a little bitch in heat? a slut?" you asked taking a hold of his leaking cock. "fuck yes, i love it-" he cuts himself off with a loud moan. his cock twitched in your hand and you jacked him off, and he threw his head back. "fuck- gonna cum-" you moved your hand faster. "cum for me." you told him.

his hips stuttered and slowed as he came in your hand. he was still panting and moaning as he felt your hand continue to move. "we aren't done here, babyboy." you told him, you used your free hand to take a hold of his hips and move them so that he was still moving on your thigh.

"so- so sensitive." he whimpered, but despite his protests, he moved his hips by himself again. his whimpers eventually turned into moans as the slight pain he felt from the sensitivity melted into pleasure.

"a-ah, mommy fuck-" he wrapped his arms around your neck and laid his head in your shoulder, whining and panting. "you like this, hm? coming so much that you make a mess like a dirty whore?" you asked rhetorically. "yes- fuck- i love it." he managed to string together a sentence.

"cum- cumming-" his mind went fuzzy as he came again, this time, lest plentiful than the first. "can you do one more time?" slowly, processing your words, he nodded, hips picking up their pace again.

you moved your hands once more, you felt something wet on your on your shoulder, and looked to see hyunjin crying and shaking. "color?" you asked him, ready to stop at any moment. "green," he sniffled. "feels so good-" he moaned and his thighs shook.

without any warning to you, he came, adding onto the already copious amount already in your hand. this time, you pulled way for good, his cock spent from coming three times back to back. he fell onto the bed, panting from his intense orgasm.
hyunjin's mind was fuzzy and buzzing with pleasure as you cleaned him up with a wet towel. he was unresponsive, and you immediately knew he was in subspace. you left for only a minute to run some warm bath water for him. after the tub was filled, you gently pulled him to the tub, sinking down and pulling him between your legs.

you gently took the loofah and gently used it to bathe him, rubbing soap all over his body, occasionally placing kisses on his neck, collarbones and cheeks. you especially made sure to clean the bruises and hickies that were on his neck and chest.
his breath slowed down, and eventually went back to normal. "y/n? i'm here." he said, fully recovering from his subspace. "you were out for about 20 minutes, are you okay?" you asked, rinsing the soap off of him with water. "yeah, that felt amazing." he mumbled, sighing in content as he felt you kiss his neck.

you finished bathing the both of you and helped him out of the tub, drying off quickly and putting on pajamas. you helped hyunjin to the bed, and turned on the tv to a random lifetime movie. you wrapped his arms around you, and laid his head in the crook of your neck. "you know i never mean what i say when i degrade you, right?" you asked, running hands up and down his arms. "yeah, i do." he muttered, moving around slightly.

"good, because you took your punishment so well today. i'm proud of you for taking it so good." you kissed him slowly. "thank you, i love you." he said shyly. "love you too, jinnie."

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