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chocolatewolfuniversitytrash asked:Can you do sub yoongi that blushes a lot and stutter???

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chocolatewolfuniversitytrash asked:
Can you do sub yoongi that blushes a lot and stutter???

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- yoongi x reader
genre - fluff
summary - both you and yoongi were opposites, a random college party pulled you two together
warnings - fluff, college!au, yoongi is a nerd, confessions, reader is popular, they play seven minutes in heaven
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

both you and yoongi were on the opposite ends of the popularity anarchy. you were the talk of the school, popular, nice, pretty, smart, people considered you to be the full package.

yoongi on the other hand wasn't so popular, quite the opposite, in fact. he wasn't bullied or anything, it's just that no one really interacted with him — if they did it was only because of his smarts. yoongi had the biggest crush on you, but he thought that you'd never even give him the time of day.

some of your closest friends were throwing a party, just a get together, and invited the whole class. it was only around 25 people, so the party was very small. yoongi was surprised when he received and invite, especially since he'd never been invited to anything, much less even spoken to by anyone more popular than him.

as the day and time of the party approached, yoongi became more and more nervous and skeptical. he knew that if he was invited, then you most definitely were. that made him a little uneasy, seeing as there were only a few people there and he was bound to talk to you somehow.

the problem was, yoongi could never compose himself around you. he was always blushing and stuttering everytime he got near you. at this point, to say he had a crush on you would be an understatement.

with the help of his friend, he built up enough courage to go to the party, immediately looking around nervously and cautiously. he spotted you in a corner, and made it his mission to stay far, far away from that corner.

the party was going well, he mingled with a few friends, and had some good laughs. it wasn't until he heard the hostess of the party call everyone to the living room to play 7 minutes in heaven did he begin to get nervous again. he was nervous as he followed the rush of people to the living room, but why? it wasn't like he had a chance of going into the closet with you so he shouldn't be nervous, which is what he told himself until the flare in his cheeks went down.

he sat close to his friends, directly in front of you. your eyes landed on him, and you smiled, giving him a wave. he returned it shyly, looking down to avoid your eyes. the hostess placed a bottle in the middle of the formed circle and spun it.

yoongi could feel his heart drop to his ass as the bottle landed on you and him, a perfectly even spin that couldn't possibly be misinterpreted. you smiled, standing up. yoongi stood up too, rushing to follow you into the cramped hall closet.

you closed and locked the door, leaning against it. yoongi was standing stiffly, nervous in the small space. "you okay yoongi?" you asked, trying to comfort the boy without overstepping boundaries in the confined space. "y-you know my name?" he asked slowly, cheeks inflamed by just how close you were.

"of course i do, we even have two classes together." you say cheerfully. "i didn't think you'd paid attention to people like me." he mumbled bashfully. "what do you mean 'people like you'? you're adorable, Min Yoongi." you compliment. "t-thank you."
"here, lemme turn on a light." you mutter, feeling around the wall for a light switch. you find one and flip it on, illuminating the small room immediately. it was only when the light was on did you realize how red his cheeks truly were. "whoa, are you sure you're okay, yoongi? you're cheeks are really red." you noticed.

"mhm, yeah, i'm f-fine. it's just we're so c-close and i'm really nervous..." he let his sentence trail off as he looked down at the floor. "i make you nervous?" you asked, stepping closer to him. he could practically hear the smirk in your voice. he took a step back everytime you moved forward, now his back was against the wall as you placed your hands on either sides of his head.
"y-yes," he said, still not looking you in the eye. "what if i told you i liked you too?" you asked him, making him tilt his head up in question. "you d-do?" he asked, eager to know if your confession was true. "it is. and i can prove it." you muttered, moving closer and closer to his face.

you lips touched his, and the feeling was amazing. his lips moved in sync with yours. you placed his hands on your waist to pull you closer. the both of you pulled away for air, looking at eachother with smiling faces.

"7 minutes is up!" your friend called from behind the door. you groaned and rolled your eyes as your moment was ruined. you unlocked the door and pulled yoongi by his hand softly to go out with you. people at the party smiled at the both of you as you sat down with yoongi beside you, laying his head on your shoulder.

"go on a date with me friday?" you whispered once the bottle  began to spin again. "of course." he answered, pink spreading amongst his cheeks at the thought.

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