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Anonymous asked:Hello! Uhm, could you maybe write sub!Yoongi with Bondage + edging? Thanks in advance! And by the way, I really love your works they're amazing 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💕

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Anonymous asked:
Hello! Uhm, could you maybe write sub!Yoongi with Bondage + edging? Thanks in advance! And by the way, I really love your works they're amazing 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💕

summary - yoongi gets jealous at a party, and can't keep his hands to himself once the two of you are home.
warnings- sub!yoongi, dom!reader, bondage, jealousy, mentions of drinking, orgasm denial, praise, smut, fluff, aftercare, edging

yoongi looked at you from across the room with jealousy in his eyes. he watched you with fire in his eyes as you talked with beomgyu. from his angle, it looked like you were flirting with him. he downcast his eyes, not wanting to see anymore and going deep into his thoughts.

soon enough the party died down. the happy and cheery buzz of the peak of the night dies down to small talks and splitting headaches. you found yoongi sitting down on a couch, leisurely drinking water from a small cup. "ready to go yoon?" you asked, him ready to depart from the scene anyway. he just gave a small and curt nod, getting up to walk out.

his actions were peculiar to you, normally yoongi would be clingy, having an arm around you, holding your hand, something but now. it was as if he was ignoring. the entire ride back to your place was filled with silence. not an awkward silence, the tense, thick silence that had you rethinking choices.

once the both of you made it to your place, the silence in the etmostphere was just as thick, if not more. you flipped on a light, and we're getting tired of yoongi ignoring you. by now, he would have at least started conversation, but you received nothing but a stare from the rapper as he eyed you.

"what's your problem, yoongi?" you asked him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and irritation. "my problem is that you were blatantly flirting with beomgyu in front of my face, ignoring the fact that your boyfriend was there too." he crossed his arms, and his cheeks were red with frustration.

"i wasn't flirting with him!" you defended yourself against the false accusations. "you were laughing and being touchy with him, what do you call that?" he asked sassily. "uh, i don't know, being friendly?! beomgyu is a naturally touchy person. what was i supposed to do? hurt the kids' feelings?" you asked sarcastically. "that's an option." he said and tilted his head.

"yoongi. i wasn't flirting with beomgyu." you try one last time to explain to him before losing your cool. "i saw it with my own eyes, y/n. how the fuck are you going to tell me what i did see and didn't see?!" he exclaimed. he rolled his eyes and walked to your shared bedroom. you narrowed your eyes at him and followed him. you backed him up against a wall and put your hands on either side of his face.

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