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andreasmith20 asked:Hi!!! Can i request some smut where reader punish Jisung for being a brat plz ( Maybe some crying and soft aftercare?)

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andreasmith20 asked:
Hi!!! Can i request some smut where reader punish Jisung for being a brat plz ( Maybe some crying and soft aftercare?)

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing - jisung x reader
genre - smut
summary - jisung takes his bratty antics a bit too far
warnings -sub:jisung, dom!reader, public sex, pegging, crying aftercare, fluff
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

jisung let his fingers trail over to your thighs. you thought nothing of it, thinking he was just nervous about the meeting, so you didn't do anything about it, you just continued to smile and talk with the mangers. it wasn't until his fingers went higher that you realized his true intentions.

"ji, stop that." you warn, trying not to draw attention to the both of you. "what am i doing, y/n?" he asked slyly with a mockingly innocent smile. you roll your eyes at his act. "just wait until we get home." you tell him, plucking his hand off your thigh. his facade falters a little, but he regains it and puts his hand right back on your thigh. this time, it goes a little higher, hovering directly over your heat.

he gives you a bratty smirk before using his fingers to rub your heat through your clothes. he proceeded to look ahead, looking like he was paying attention to whatever was happening. he continued to tease you, using his fingers to build your arousal.
thankfully, the meeting was adjourned quickly, and the rest of stray kids stood up to go back to the dorms. you and jisung were the last to leave, you placed a warning hand in the small of his back to push him gently out the door. the rest of the members went to separate activities, some went out for food, others were playing video games.

you made it to your and jisung's room, and immediately after you locked the door, you pinned him to the back of it. "what the fuck was that, jisung?" you asked, watching as he smirked. "we were just at a meeting discussing the future of your band, and you decide to tease me like that?" you asked rhetorically. "maybe you should punish me then, hm, mommy?" you narrowed your eyes and growled at him, kissing him with all passion.

he moaned into the kiss, squirming under your touch as you moved down his lips to his jawline and collarbones, leaving hickies in your wake. "fuck, mommy, please," he moaned, leaning his head so you had more access to mark him up. "what makes you think you deserve it, after pulling that? you don't." you mumbled, pulling him from the wall to his bed, pushing him down.
"you are going to take everything i give you," you say as you unbutton his shirt. "like a good boy, hm?" this time moving towards his pants. "maybe." he answers cheekily. "that brat attitude won't get you anywhere but with a hard cock and sore ass. don't try me." you mumbled, pulling his pants down and off.

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