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Anonymous asked:after reading ur size link Felix request I really liked the male reader insert

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Anonymous asked:
after reading ur size link Felix request I really liked the male reader insert. Can I request another Felix male reader story where Felix deepthroats the reader and it leads to rough sex? p.s. I enjoy reading ur stories ^^ 💕

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- felix x reader
genre - smut
summary - you help felix with more of his fantasies
warnings - blow jobs, handjobs, dom!reader, sub!felix, anal sex, hair pulling, choking, orgasm denial, male reader, degrading, sir kink
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"uh, m/n? can we talk?" felix's quiet voice called out for you. "sure. are you okay? are we okay?" you asked, putting your phone down to give him your undivided attention. he came to sit beside you in the chair.

"yeah, it's about out life in the um- bedroom?" his voice got quieter with his words. you sighed in relief, and patted your lap. obediently, felix moved and sat in your lap. "can we try something?" he asked. "of course, baby." you told him, rubbing his back encouragingly.

"you're always so gentle with me — and i love it! — but i'd like to know how it would feel if you were rough with me." he said, avoiding your eyes. you looked at his pants to find that he was hard. "you'd like me to be rough with you? i can do that, slut." you told him, pushing him off your lap and onto his knees.

you sat in the chair with your legs open expectantly. "chop chop, i don't have all day, lixie." he shivered at the nickname and hurried to unbutton your pants. "y-yes sir." he stuttered, feeling himself get harder in his pants.

he pulled your hardening cock out of your pants after he took your pants off. he wasted no time in taking you into his mouth. the warmth of his mouth caused you to shiver. he took you deep into his mouth, swallowing around you and continuing to go down until his nose touched the base of your cock.

"fuck, baby," you groan, watching as he continues to bob his head, every once in a while taking you in his throat and holding himself there. he gagged a few times as he did so, and used his hands to jerk your cock every time he needed air.

"so good, kitten." you praised, running your fingers through his hair. you felt yourself get closer and closer as he continued. he kept eye contact with you as he sucked you off. you groaned and pulled him off your cock.

you pulled him to stand up, and pushed him down onto the chair. he was in his knees as his arms were strewn over the front of the chair and he faced away from you. you pulled down his joggers and boxers and watch as his cock dripped precum. his saliva was used as lube as you pushed into him. "fuck." felix groaned, spreading his legs farther.

you hardly gave him time to adjust to your length before you you snapping your hips into his rapidly. his moans were frequent as he lurched forward everytime you thrusted into him. you raised his shirt up to small of his back, and raised your hand. you brought your hand down on the supple skin of his ass. he whimpered at the contact. "so fucking tight, doll." you tell him, bringing down your hand again.

you brought your hand to his hair, palm against his scalp then made a fist and pulled him up so his back rested against your chest. he could've came just from that action alone. "this what you wanted lixie?" you asked with a pant. "wanted me to rough you up?" you asked, smaking his ass again when he didn't answer. "fuck y-yes!" he moaned, back arching at a particular hard thrust against his prostate.

"please, sir, let me cum!" he moaned, hands gripping at whatever they could. "no, lix. you're going to hold it until i give you permission." you told him. your hand still gripped his hair as you sucked hickies into his exposed neck. your other hand was on his hip, gripping so tight that you left bruises.

his tummy clenched and his hands gripped at the arm rests as he tried to hold in his orgasm. you were getting close as well, and you moved your grip on his hair to his neck, squeezing ever so slightly. he whined at the feeling. "please, please, please." he moaned, hips pushing back onto yours. "cum for me. lixie," you told him.

as if he was trained by your words, he came. his cum got onto the couch, and he screamed in pure euphoria as he did so. his eyes rolled back, and he clenched so tightly — so perfectly — around you. he was seeing stars. you came undone at the sight, spilling cum inside of him.

and if it weren't for your grip on him, he would've fell forward. you pulled out him slowly. you took a hold of his arms and legs and carried him to your shared room, getting some towels to clean him up with. as he laid down, he began to come back to his senses, regulating his breathing as well. you allowed him time to calm a little before you began the process of aftercare.

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