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summary - bang chan wants to cum, but doesn't want to lose his virginity

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summary - bang chan wants to cum, but doesn't want to lose his virginity. y/n has a simple solution for that.
warnings - sub!chan, dom!reader, thigh riding, needy!chan, soft smut

chan moaned into the kiss as you pushed him back against your bed. your hand cupped his hip, pulling him closer to you. you pushed his shirt up past his hip. he let out a pained whimper as your hands reached for his belt. you pulled away immediately, looking at him with concern.

"are you okay, channie? did i do something wrong?" you asked, looking into his eyes for an answer. "n-no, i'm just n-not ready to lose my virginity yet.." he let his words trail off. "channie, if you're not ready, we don't have to." you told him, sitting up beside him.

"but i'm so hard." he whined. "ride my thigh then, baby boy." you said as you pulled him into your lap so he was straddling you. his cheeks reddened at the request. "i don't know how to...?" he said, as more of a question than a statement. "i'll help, baby boy. you just focus on getting yourself off." you told him, positioning him on your right thigh.

you placed both of your hands on his hips and guided him down, moving him against your thigh. he moaned softly at the feeling of his jeans creating friction against his cock. softly, you let your hands fall away as he began to do it himself, rutting against you faster in hope of reaching his orgasm.

you palmed him, adding on to the pleasure he felt. he placed his hands on your shoulders and used them to push himself down harder, rougher. his moans got louder as he continued to grind on you, and you got lost in how ethereal he looked.
his eyes were closed tightly, his head was thrown back in pure pleasure, his own thighs shook as he neared an orgasm. "you're already doing so good channie, so needy to get off on my thigh, hm?" you asked teasingly, watching as he struggled to form words. he moaned louder at the praise.

"f-fuck, yes!" he managed to say, words being broken up by moans and whines. the heat that pooled in his stomach was ready to explode. "gonna c-cum, fuck, g-gonna cum-" he cut himself off with a moan. he stilled, unmoving against your thigh as he came, soiling both his pants and his boxers. he slumped in your hold, putting his head in the crook of your neck and breathing heavily.

"t-thank you," he whispered, unable to do much more than that. "of course, channie. let's get you cleaned up." you ran your fingers through his hair soothingly, watching as he calmed down.

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