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seventeenthingsblr asked:Can you write sub!Yoongi being insecure about his appearance because he put on some weight in his tummy and cheeks and thighs and the dom!reader helps him feel better about himself please and thank you🥺

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seventeenthingsblr asked:
Can you write sub!Yoongi being insecure about his appearance because he put on some weight in his tummy and cheeks and thighs and the dom!reader helps him feel better about himself please and thank you🥺

a/n - i love writing things like this🥺
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pairing- yoongi x reader
genre - smut
summary - yoongi believes he put on some weight, and when it came down to it, he didn't think he was good enough for you any more. you proved him wrong.
warnings -sub!yoongi, dom!reader, mentions of insecurity, fluff, smut, reassurance+comfort, soft!smut, praise, mentions of quarantine.
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you pulled away from your shared kiss with yoongi breathless. "yoongi? are you okay?" you asked when the male refused to straddle your lap. you could practically see the thoughts swirling around in head, and tears pricked behind his eyes.
"it's just-" his voice cracked. "am i too heavy for you?" he asked, refusing to meet your gaze. "what? where did this come from, yoongi? of course you're not, baby!" you told him, using your thumb and fore finger to lift his chin. there were tears building rapidly in his eyes.

"well, during this quarantine, we haven't been going to the gym as much and i've been in the studio a lot, and eating more." he said and you urged him to continue. "i've put on weight in my thighs, stomach and even my cheeks. i didn't think you'd like me or want to do... things with me if you saw or knew how heavy i became." by the end of his words tears had spilled down his cheeks.

"yoongi." you try to say his name as firmly and reassuringly as possible. "i love you no matter how much you weight. "you aren't too heavy for me, and i love you and your body." you tell him, pulling him into a tight hug. you push him back onto the bed the both of you were sitting on.

"if you can't see that i love you and whatever size you happen to be, i guess i'll just have to show you." you tell him, kissing him sweetly on the lips. a blush spreads across his face. "i love your cheeks. they're perfect to kiss." you say, and kiss his cheek. you move down to his legs. "may i take these off?" you ask, feeling the plush of the material of his pants. he nods his head shyly. you untie his joggers and tug them off his legs.

you kissed his inner thighs, watching as he squirmed and and let out breathy moans. "i love your thighs. they're perfect to grip and kiss." you tell him, leaving a dark hickey on his upper thigh. you look up at him through lidded eyes. his face was flushed red. "may i take this off too?" you asked, tugging on the hem of his shirt. hesitantly, he nods. "you're sure?" you asked, wanting him to be as comfortable as possible. "y-yes." he spoke up.

you pulled his shirt above his head, and he raised his arms to help you get it fully off. you look at his form for a minute. taking in how amazing he looks under you like this. he felt self conscious unde your gaze and moved his arms to cover his stomach. you pin his arms to his side. "you're so fucking beautiful, min yoongi." you tell him, leaning down to kiss his stomach.

"p-please." he stuttered, slightly overwhelmed by the praise he was receiving. you kissed all the way down his tummy until you reached the waistband of his boxers. the front of them were stained wet with precum. "may i?" you asked, hooking a finger into the band. "y-yes please." he said, biting his lip. you pulled his boxers off, and his cock sprang free from the material.

a bead of precum steadily dropped down from the tip, which was a pretty color of red and swollen with arousal. you stripped yourself of clothing as well, and yoongi looked at you with eyes of love and admiration. you straddled his waist, heat hovering directly over his cock. slowly, you lowered yourself onto him, appreciating the way he stretched you out.

the both of you let out deep moans at the feeling. once he was fully sheathed inside of you, you continued your previous action. you leaned forward and placed your hands on his chest, and steadily moved up and down. yoongi's hands found your hips and gripped them, slightly moving you faster up and down his cock. "fuck, yoongi, you fill me up so good, angel." you compliment, hips beginning to move faster as you chased a high.

"always so good for me." you said, biting your lip. "f-fuck, so g-good." yoongi moaned, tilting his head back against the pillows and his eyes were closed tight. "you gonna cum like this?" you asked, managing to keep your voice still. "gonna cum and fill me up like a good boy?" you asked, watching as he moaned from your words alone. "y-yes, gonna cum, gonna cum-" with a finally buck of his hips, he was coming. "fuck, fuck fuck-" he chanted as if it was a mantra as he came inside of you.

his orgasm triggered your own, and you came as well, thighs shaking slightly as you did so. reaching beside him, you grabbed a cloth to clean the cum dripping down your thighs. "you okay, yoon?" you asked the male. "mhm." he hummed, holding his arms out for you. you just smiled to yourself held him close to you, pulling up some covers.

you kissed his forehead and put a comforting hand on his tummy. "i love you, min yoongi. you're absolutely perfect for me." you told him, hugging him tighter. "thank you." he whispered. "i love you too." he said, and placed a kiss in your neck. he leaned his head into the crook of your neck and you laid your head on top of his.

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