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tu-e-ur asked:it's me again! could u write minho being needy for mommy's attention, but not gettig what wanted?

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tu-e-ur asked:
it's me again! could u write minho being needy for mommy's attention, but not gettig what wanted?

summary - minho loves watching you play the piano, maybe a little too much.
warnings - sub!minho, dom!reader, hand kink, hand jobs, begging, denial, praise, mommy kink

the way you played the piano always fascinated minho. the way your fingers moved gracefully across the smooth keys, how focused you looked. he would never pass up the chance to watch you, and you thought it was because he wanted to learn himself, but turns out, it was something much deeper.

it was just another saturday of you playing the piano, minho watched closely and intensely at your hands. he let his mind stray, and he found himself wondering just what else you could do with your hands.

he though about you touching him, touching his cock specifically, and he felt himself hardening in his pants. his cheeks reddened, and he crossed his legs. he tried to stay focused on you and the piano, but failed many times.

he continued to uncross and cross his legs, desperate and needy for friction and longing for your touch. he didn't notice you stop playing piano, but he did when you called his name. "minho? are you okay?" you asked, wondering why he was so fidgety.
"i need you." he blurted, uncrossing his legs once more so you could see what had him so needy. "baby, you got this hard from watching me play the piano? so naughty." you teased. he just groaned and whimpered in submission.

"what do you want me to do?" you asked, teasing him subtly. "want your hands." he said, trying his hardest not to grind down onto the chair. "what do you want them do and where?" you asked. you enjoyed teasing him when he got like this; all submissive and whiny. "want to feel your hands on my cock, please." he begged. you hummed in satisfaction of his answer, and began to unbutton his pants. you pulled them down along with his boxers.

the length of his cock sprang up from his boxers, and you wrapped a hand around it. he whimpered in relief at your touch. he stared at you through hooded eyes when he realized you weren't gonna move.

"w-what-" he stuttered. "you said you wanted my hands on you, so here you go. if you want to cum, you're going to have to work for it." you told him and smirked devilishly. slowly, he raised his hips into your hand, slowly gaining speed as he continued. "you look so pretty like this, baby." you praised, watching has his cheeks reddened and he whimpered.

soon enough, his hips were bucking up into your hand rapidly, chasing a chance to get off. "please, mommy, fuck-" he moaned, closing his eyes as he continued his movements. "you getting close, baby boy?" you asked, "yes, yes, yes," he said in a broken whimper. "so close," he mumbled.

the thrusts of his hips began to lose their rhythm and pace as he just bucked his hips up sporadically. "please, may i cum?" he asked, gripping the seat of the chair tightly. "cum and make a mess, baby boy." you told him. immediately after your words, he came, making a mess all over your hands and his stomach. his breathing was rough and ragged as he came down from an orgasm. "you okay, baby?" you asked, cleaning off your hand. he nodded his head. "let's get you cleaned up then." you told him, and helped him get up to walk to your bedroom.

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