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Anonymous asked:Could you do a sub!jungkook smut where he deepthroat's the reader's strap on for the first time and maybe some pegging after? Ps just wanted to say I love your acc💜 i always get so happy when I find new sub!idol writers

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Anonymous asked:
Could you do a sub!jungkook smut where he deepthroat's the reader's strap on for the first time and maybe some pegging after? Ps just wanted to say I love your acc💜 i always get so happy when I find new sub!idol writers

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- jungkook x reader
genre - smut
summary - jungkook, for once, is a good boy and gets a reward
warnings - sub!jungkook, dom!reader, pegging, denied orgasm, hair pulling
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"on your knees." you demanded. jungkook looked at you for a split second first, excitement crossing his features. he kneeled before you, right in front of your strap. "since you want to talk so much, how about we put that mouth to better use?" you asked, not giving him a chance to answer before you were guiding his head to the strap.

his lips immediately got to work. slowly, he bobbed his head, trying to take the whole strap in at once. you rolled your eyes and took matters into your own hands, bucking your hips up every now and then to remind him to move faster. he did so, moving his head faster and gagging slightly whenever the tip touched the beck of his throat.

slowly, he brought his hands to yours and places them on the sides of your head. he looked up at your through his lashes, silently pleading. you smirked onece you caught on, you stilled his head for a moment before bucking your hips into his mouth. he worked fast to catch up with the pace and gagged every now and then.

you bucked your hips once, and then used your hands to hold him against the base of your strap. you pulled him away and gave him time to catch his breath. he looked up at you with eyes filled with lust. you looked down at him, taking in his ruined state. his lips were swollen, and saliva coated them in thin layers, some trailing down his chin.

"since you did so well, i suppose you can get a reward, slut. on your back." you told him. he scrambled to get back on the bed and into position, waiting patiently for your next movement.

you walk in between his legs, pulling them up so they're wide open for you. "ready?" you asked, pushing the tip against his entrance. "s-so ready." he said. you gave a short nod, and pushed into him. you gave him time to adjust when you were fully sheathed into him, and we he let out a reassuring moan, you pulled out and began the movement of your hips.

you made sure to go slow, to make him outwardly say exactly what he wanted, what he needed. "f-faster," he groaned, trying to push his hips back onto the toy. "p-please, faster!" he pleaded with you again. you decided to give into his pleads and sped up, making him choke on his moans. his eyes were glued to the way the toy moved in and out of him, his saliva that lubed the toy making a squelch that seemed so vulgar even considering the circumstances.

you stopped for only a moment to move his leg over your shoulder. this angle giving you much better leverage to pound into him quickly. it gave you the exact leverage you needed to touch that spot inside of him — the spot that made his eyes roll back, the spot that made saliva drip from the corner of his mouth, the spot that made his back arch perfect.

he was unable to for anything intelligible, just mindless babbles of 'thank you' and 'so good' were the only things you could make out. his hands reached to grip anything he could, his high was fast approaching. without any warning to you, he was coming. cum coated his abdomen, and part of his chest. he shook and shivered in sensitivity as you helped him ride out his strong orgasm. you pulled out slowly, making sure not to cause too much sensitivity. "let's get you cleaned up, bun." you say, already getting a stray article of clothing to clean him up with.

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