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this is shitty asf so i'm sorry abt that, and also not posting for a while aksjdjsks

borntobedom asked:
Hi honey, i have a request for Taehyung. He's super shy, inexperienced (almost like a nerd) and has never made sexual things with his gf bc he's afraid that she might think he's weird for being a sub, when she find out his insecurity she makes sure that he'll never think like that again in a kinky and dominant way😋 u know what i mean. Pls include rimming, pegging and thigh riding, i would love if u put him with glasses and make him stutter every time he's nervous🥺thanks i love ur blog💜

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- taehyung x reader
genre - smut
summary - taehyung is inexperienced and admits an array of insecurities, and you make sure to make him feel him safe and amazing in more ways than one.
warnings - school!au, sub!taehyung, dom,reader, inexperienced!tae, pegging, rimming, thigh riding, orgasm denial, hand jobs
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

well this was shitty.

taehyung pulled away from your shared kiss slowly and with a whine. it normally went like this. the both of you would share a kiss, and he'd pull away with a blush. it's not that you didn't mind he wasn't ready, but sometimes you just wanted to know a reason.

"are you okay, tae? it's okay if you're not ready, i just want an explanation...?" you say. and it comes out as more of a question than a statement because you didn't want to push him to do anything he didn't want to do.

he looked down and pushed his glasses up on his nose. "it's just, i-i don't want you to think i was weird." he admitted. you tilted your head in confusion. "you can tell me, tae. i won't think you're weird, promise!" you reassure, placing a hand on his thigh.
"i-i'm not d-dominant.." he admitted, taking his bottom lip within his teeth nervously. "that's what you were worried about? i don't mind you being submissive." you tell him, your hand trailing higher up his thigh. his head snapped to meet yours. "you don't?" he asked, looking at you with widened eyes. "mhm. in fact, you don't have to be dominant because i am." you leaned closee to him with every word, soon connecting his lips to yours.

you pulled him closer to you so that he was straddling you're leg. he whimpered into the kiss as you bounced your leg slightly. "are you okay with this?" you asked. "y-yes, please." he mumbled, moving his hips to grind on your thigh. "you look so pretty like this tae, already a whiny mess and i haven't even done anything yet." you tell him, and he just whimpers at your words.
his hips moved quickly, no rhythm or sequence, he was simply chasing a high. he placed his head into the crook of your neck and continued to moan. his hands moving to clasp at your shoulders. "c-close." he whined, the friction of his pants and your thigh against his cock became too much for him to handle. just as his hips began to stutter, you grabbed a hold of them, stopping him from moving.

he whined loudly, and his voice cracked as he asked, "w-why?" you just smirked at him. "up." you tell him, removing him from your thigh and standing. with shaky legs, he stands too, following you to your bedroom. "strip and get on the bed, tae." you tell him, closing and locking the door. you turn around to find him on the bed, boxers being the only thing still covering him.
you walk over to him, pulling him by his thighs to the edge of the bed. you kneel between his legs, and pull off his boxers. "i-i'm prepped." he mumbled bashfully. "ah, so you've touched yourself like this before?" you asked with a smirk. "m-mhm." he whimpered out as your finger prodded at his entrance. you pushed a single finger in, moving slowly to avoid pain or discomfort.

you pulled out your finger after a moment, and he releases a whine. he was barely able to complain before he felt your tongue as his entrance, immediately swirling around. you grab his thighs and pull him farther on your tongue. he was so sensitive, it was cute. he was whining and bucking his hips up. his moans were frequent and whiny. "f-fuck, y/n..." he moaned, hands gripping the sheets tightly.

"g-gonna cum..." he said shakily, eyes clenching shut. you pulled away quickly, watching with a smirk as he shivered and whined. it was then that you stripped yourself of you clothes and walked towards your closet, leaving taehyung to watch you curiously.

you returned with a strap on in your hand, and his eyes widened. an even more furious blush spread over his cheeks and ears. you tied the straps onto your thighs. "are you okay with me doing this?" you asked, slowly taking a hold of his hips. "y-yes." taehyung stuttered, wiggling his hips needily. you lined up the strap with his entrance.

you pushed in slowly, letting him adjust before setting a pace. soon, your hips snapped into his quickly, making him jolt with every thrust. he honestly was a sight to see. his har hair stuck to his forehead, he was gripping the sheets tightly, he was full of incoherent mumbles and moans.

it didn't take long from thes sensitivity of everything to come back to him in waves, crashing over him every time the tip of the toy touched his prostate. his cock twitched as it lay neglected on his tummy. "you can cum, tae, it's okay." you told him, using all of your stamina to push him over that edge.

he did so with a shout, cum coming onto his stomach and painting it with stripes of white. you slowed down and eventually pulled out. you put the strap on aside. you quickly ran some water for him, and went back to him to wipe him down.
his breathing was heavy as he panted trying to come down from his intense orgasm. you carried him to the bathroom (he was quite light.) and helped him get in, and you followed.

"are you okay tae?" you asked once he was calm enough. "mhm." he mumbled, leaning his head on his shoulder. "anytime you want to try out something, please tell me." you told him, washing his body. "i just thought you'd think i was weird or something. people in my past didn't exactly take it well..." he said, trailing off with his sentence as he remembered his past.
"it's okay, tae tae. i can never think you're weird." you tell him afterwards, giving him a back hug. "ready to get out the tub?" you asked, arms still around him. "yeah. can i get extra cuddles?" he asked sheepishly. "always."

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