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Anonymous asked:hi! could i please have a sub!chan, maybe the reader says she'll give him a reward if he stays quiet but she keeps on talking dirty or sumthin like that, and he can't help but let out moans n whines? i don't usually think of ideas ...

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Anonymous asked:
hi! could i please have a sub!chan, maybe the reader says she'll give him a reward if he stays quiet but she keeps on talking dirty or sumthin like that, and he can't help but let out moans n whines? i don't usually think of ideas so i'm sorry if this isn't the best sHSJDS, thank u either way!!!!!

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing - bangchan x reader
genre - smut
summary - you and chan were watching a movie with the rest of the members and playing a little game of your own
warnings -sub!bangchan, dom!reader, edging, public hand jobs
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

you and the rest of stray kids were piled in and watching a movie in the living room. you and chan were on a small couch to yourself, a small blanket draped over the both of you.
to everyone else, it looked like you were simply cuddling, your head on his shoulder, both cuddled under a blanket. that, however, was not the case at all. chan was red in the face as your hand caressed his upper thigh. "how about this, channie, if you can keep quiet, i'll let you cum. if not, well, you'll see what that gets you." you told him, moving to unzip his pants.
he was already getting hard at your words, and the way your hand roamed his body did nothing to conceal that. you palmed him a bit, making sure he was fully hard before you pulled his cock out of his boxers. he bit his lip as you began to move your hand. he did his best to conceal his moans as you continued to move your hand. he almost faltered when you swiped your thumb over his slit.
"y-y/n, i can't-" he said before whimpering lowly in your ear. his moans spurred you on, and you began to pump him faster. when his whines got more frequent and high pitched, you knew he was close. "p-please?" he asked. you knew what he was referring to, but still ignored him. "i'm gonna-" he was cut off by you removing your hand. "i told you that if you couldn't keep quiet, you wouldn't get your reward."
once he was far enough from he orgasm, you resumed, moving your hand at the same fast pace as before, causing him to whimper even move as his head moved to the crook of your neck. "you won't ever get to cum if you can't control your noises baby boy. we still have an hour left of the movie." you tell him, twisting your hand.
he was so close already, the sensitivity from his previous edging spurring him forward. "please, please, please." his cock twitched in your hand, and again you pulled way. he shivered when you did so, tears of frustration brimming his eyes.
"are you gonna do what i ask this time, or do i need to edge you again?" you asked, wrapping a hand around his cock once more. this time, he kept his mouth closed. his eyes were clenched shut, and his fists were balled at his sides.
he was so sensitive and responsive this time, he didn't know if he'd be able to make it. his hips bucked into your hand quickly, ready for his release he so desperately craved. he was doing such a good job of being quiet, so when you felt him twitch in your hand this time you didn't pull away — this time you moved faster, bringing him to an orgasm.
he shook and trembled as he came, staining the blanket with his warm cum as he did so, hips bucking into your hand roughly. you pulled away once he was done and helping him pull up and zip his pants. you pulled the blanket off you the both of you and balled it up so you could wash it later.
chan has his head tucked onto your shoulder as he breathed heavily. you ran comforting fingers through his hair. "come on, channie, i'll see if we can go back to the room so we can cuddle." you whispered, rubbing his arms soothingly. he just nodded and leaned more into your side.

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