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summary - in which bts admits they're submissive to the reader

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summary - in which bts admits they're submissive to the reader.
warnings - sub!bts, dom!reader, insecurity, fluff, suggestive content, mommy kink, smut, mistress kink


"hey, y/n, can we talk?" he'd ask nervously

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"hey, y/n, can we talk?" he'd ask nervously. anxiety filled him as he went over the many possibilities in his mind of how this could turn out. he was scared, to say the least. he didn't want to lose you.

"of course joon, what's up?" you asked him, taking a seat beside him on the couch. "i have something to tell you." he admitting, fiddling with his fingers anxiously. you hummed in question, urging him to go on.

"in t-the bedroom... i-i'm- i don't-" he stuttered through his sentence. "i'm a submissive." he blurted out bluntly, all the color draining from his face as he looked at you, waiting for your reaction. "good. because i'm a domme." you admitted. the blood rushed to his cheeks all at once. "y-you are?" he stuttered in shock. "mhm. i could tell you were submissive anyway," you laughed. he just rolled his eyes, inching closer to you to give you a hug.


i think jin would be bratty about it, talking back to purposely get on your nerves, being disobedient, etc

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i think jin would be bratty about it, talking back to purposely get on your nerves, being disobedient, etc.
"jin you could at least throw it away." you griped, he just rolled his eyes at you, "you have two arms and two legs. throw it away yourself." he sassed, continuing to play on his phone.

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