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Anonymous asked:hi can I request a sub!hyunjin with edging?

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Anonymous asked:
hi can I request a sub!hyunjin with edging?

summary - this 'reward' hyunjin is getting seems much like a punishment...
warnings - sub!hyunjin, dom!reader, mistress!kink, edging, orgasm denial, blowjobs, handjobs, begging, crying, oral (m!receiving)

it has been a full week. a full week since the beginning of his punishment. a full seven days of him not being able to cum. he endured the full seven days of not being touched, and not touching himself. even when he got hard, he was only told to take a cold shower.

it was finally monday, the day you'd hopefully relieve him. "mistress?" he called you by your bedroom title, letting you know just how desperate he was. "it's been seven days, a week, please." he begged.

you stopped scrolling on your phone and looked him over. he had on an oversized sweater and some jeans. he looked nervous as he fiddled with his fingers and the bulge in his pants was obvious, a sign that he needed to cum and soon. "i will admit, you've held through, so you deserve a reward." you said and watched his eyes light up. "come here." he climbed onto the bed, and eagerly leaned into you. you kissed him softly, the kiss immediately became full of passion when he kissed back.

you trailed your hands down his sweater and to his pants. you palmed him roughly, and almost immediately he bucked his hips into your hand. you pulled away completely; both from the kiss and from his bulge.

he whined as you did so. "mistress, please, no teasing." his voice was desperate, matching his actions. you ignored his whines and pleas as you stood up to strip yourself of clothing, leaving on only the lingerie.

he groaned at the sight of you, his dick twitching in his pants. "patience." you warned him. he sat back silently and began to take off his clothing as well. "good boy." you told him when he was fully naked.

you got onto the bed, crawling up the bed seductively. you stopped in between his thighs. you looked up at him through hooded lashes, placing kisses on his thighs. he shivered, looking down at you. you wrapped a hand around his cock that lay neglected on his tummy.

your pace started slow at first, drawing out those precious whines and moans from him first, slowly getting him to want and beg for you. "please miss, please, faster." he whined, allowing his hips to buck up into your fist. "please, please, please." he begs again, wanting you to do something.

you sped up unexpectedly just as he was about to plead again. he choked on a moan and he gripped the sheets tightly, thighs trembling as you reached up to tweak one of his nipples, ripping a groan from him. it made sense that he was sensitive; he hadn't came the whole week, so it was no surprise when you saw his thighs tremble and his hips stutter. "fuck- gonna cum-" he said, ready to finally get release. you felt his cock twitch in your hands, and you pulled away completely.

he whined and whimpered pathetically. "why-" he began to ask. "you'll get to cum soon enough." you shushed him and began to touch him again. she resumed her fast pace, eager to hear the moans that would soon fall from his plush lips. his moans were like music to your ears, and you didn't hesitate to let him know. "you sound so good for me, hyunjinnie, you're taking it so, so well." you praised.

you sucker on the inner skin of his thighs, grazing lightly and leaving a hickey in your wake. you continued this action until his thighs were littered with red love bites. hyunjin choked on a moan as he felt your lips on his cock, teasing him with the tip of your tongue. trialing it slowly up and down the shaft, then coming to swirl around the head.

you stopped your teasing and fully began to please him. you used your hands to lump whatever couldn't fit into your mouth, and sucked on the head of his cock. the paired simulations were too much for him. you felt him once again twitch in your hand and moan out. "i'm gonna cum-" he warned. he still know you were going to pull away, but that didn't stop the tears of frustration from selling up in his eyes.

"i've been so good, please, i want to cum, why-" he cut himself off with a deep guttural groan as you continued your teasing actions suddenly deepthroated him. he barely had time to come down from the last denied orgasm, and you were already working him to a new one.

he bucked his hips up into your mouth, causing you to gag a bit. you slapped one of the love bites on his thigh and he whimpered out a moan. the tears that had built up had finally ran down his cheeks, staining them in the process. you pulled away from him before he could even say that he was about to cum.

"please" he begged desperately. "i'll do anything, just please." he bargained. you took off the lacy underwear you had on, along with the matching bra, leaving you fully naked in front of him; like he was.

you straddled his waist, purposely rubbing your ass against his cock teasingly. "you want to cum, hyunjinnie?" you asked, your tone teasing him. "please, yeas, i need to cum." he pleaded, and you felt him twitch along the curve of your ass cheek.
you nodded your head, pleased with his answer. you lined him up with your entrance, and his eyes sparkled with hope. you slid down on him slowly, making sure to feel every inch of him.

his hands instantly we up to grip your hips, bucking his own hips into yours. you pulled his hands away from your hips and pinned them above his head. "ah, ah, ah, jinnie. do i need to tie you up?" you asked, slowly beginning to move up and down, creating a slow and steady pace.

"n-no please, m-make me cum," he said, looking up at you with pure love, lust, and desire. "good boy." he whined at the nickname, face flushing an even deeper shade of red. you moved you hips faster, making sure to clench around the tip of his cock everytime you went up.

you looked at the boy writing underneath you, body flushed and covered with a sheen of light sweat. his eyes were closed, and you were sure that the only thing he could comprehend was you. you felt your stomach tie in knots as you neared closer to an orgasm, your arousal multiplying ten fold as hyunjin begged and moaned under your touch, and your touch alone.

you swivel your hips in a figure eight motion, and instantly, his cock fills you up so deep, and touches a part of you that had you shaking. "gonna cum, gonna cum-" he chanted, hands clenching and unclenching around nothing in your grasp. you continued to swivel your hips to abuse that special spit inside of you, your orgasm approaching fast.

"cum for me, jinnie." you told him. at your simple command, he came with a scream of your name, filling you up with a week's worth of cum. this is all that's needed to push you over the edge as well, thighs shivering as you came on his cock, adding to the amount that had gathered.

"fuck-" you cursed as you lifted off of him, hurrying to clean the both of you up. "do you think you're up to a bath?" you asked him softly. "no, i just want you." he said, pulling you into a cuddle.

"you did so well, jinnie. you were the bestest boy for me, following all the rules all week and never once complaining." you praised, kissing his cheek soothingly. "thank you." he said, already beginning to doze off. "go ahead and sleep jinnie, i'll help you more once you wake up," you ruffle his hair, and he just nods, sleep consuming him quickly.

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