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Anonymous asked:can I request some sub!jimin with cross dressing (only if you're comfortable ofc)

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Anonymous asked:
can I request some sub!jimin with cross dressing (only if you're comfortable ofc)

summary - jimin noticed you'd been swamped with work, so he wanted to make your day off worth your while
warnings - sub!jimin, dom!reader, crossdressing, pegging, mistress!kink

jimin had noticed all week how you seemed to be so tired, tensed, and stressed out about your work. he noticed every time you would come home, you instantly just leave your bag and shoes at the door, give him a quick hug, eat for a small while and then crash.

it worried him to know you had to leave really early in the morning just to come back home really late at night. it pained him to know how hard you've been working, and he hoped it would pay off soon.

one day over a short dinner, you announced that you had the week off, he wanted to do something to reward you himself for all of your hard work. the morning after you left for work and he'd took a shower, he walked to his closet and pulled out the bright pink bag he'd been saving.

in the bag, was a pair of lacy panties. they were black- your favorite color - with intricate little lacy designs all over them. he blushed just looking at the piece of clothing. he stripped himself of his robe before stepping into the underwear and pulling them up.

he looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the way his ass looked in the panties. the panties were quite snug, especially around his cock. the friction and fact if of the underwear rubbed on his cock, creating friction everytime he moved. he sighed dreamily, and put on the rest of his clothes. shivering and loving the way his cock rubbed against the fabric when he moved.

it was an agonizing 8 hours until you came home from work. jimin had to endure 8 hours of being hard and not touching himself, it was absolute torture. when he heard your keys jingle at the door, he was absolutely ecstatic.

immediately after you walked in, he tackled you with a big hug. you returned it just as excitedly. "i'm off for the rest of the week, baby boy." you announced happily. he smiled even harder at that. "come on, i made some food for us to eat!" he said, pulling you by your hand to the kitchen.

as jimin was getting the food he prepared, you looked him over. the both of you haven't done it in at least a week, and you knew he was deprived. "i have a little surprise for you." he said, plating the food. "you do? what is it?" you asked, already knowing what type of surprise it was.

"you're just gonna have to find out soon." he teased, coming to sit down in front of you.
jimin straddled you needily as he kissed you, grinding his hips down onto you. you gripped his waist, pulling him closer to you. you flipped the positions so you were on top and tugged at his pants. a blush ran a cross jimin's cheeks as he remembered what he had on under his pants.

you pulled his pants down in stopped in your tracks. "fuck~" you groaned lightly to yourself at the sight of the black, lacy underwear hugging his body. "d-do you like it?" jimin asked, uncertainty laced in his voice. "of course i do, baby. is this all for me?" you asked, running a thumb over the fabric. "just for you." he said, pulling you down by the collar of your shirt to kiss you.
he's the one to remove your pieces of clothing for you, throwing them somewhere around the room. you push him down against the plush pillows, and stand up, going to grab some ... toys. "i don't- i'm already prepped." he admitted once you were reaching for the lube. you smirk as you look over to him, "naughty." you tease, going straight to the box of toys.

you pull out a single toy — a strap on. you secure the harness to your thighs and walk over to him. you grab him by the thighs and pull him towards you, making him gasp in surprise. you pushed the lacy panties to the side, and lined up with his hole.
you slid in slowly, teasingly. he instantly let his head fall back against the pillow. you kept up a slow pace until he was whimpering and whining for you to go faster. "we've only just begun and you're already begging like this?" you tease, moving faster slightly, but not enough to satisfy him.

"p-please, mistress, faster-" he cut off his own sentence with a broken moan as you went faster, hips snapping against his quickly. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" he moaned, mouth agape. "can you handle it jiminie?" you asked, slowing down slightly to tease him. "y-yes, i can! please, please, please," he begged and pleaded, gripping onto the sheets.

you went back to the pace you had before, making him moan out chants of 'thank you's and 'mistress'. "fuck, minnie. you look so good like this, so spread out for me." you bit your lip as you look down at him. his eyes were closed tight, mouth open and steadily chanting out moans. his thighs were quivering as he neared an orgasm. "you gonna cum untouched like this, baby boy? just from my strap?" you asked, slapping his thigh when he didn't answer. "fuck- yes! gonna cum like t-this mistress," he was barely able to string together a single sentence as pleasure overtook his mind.

you knew he was about to cum when his cook twitched and he tensed up "cum for me." you gave him permission and he was coming with a shout, eyes rolling back, mouth open, and legs shaking, he came, adding to the small pool of precum on his tummy.

you helped him ride out his orgasm before pulling out completely. his breathing was uneven and ragged as you cleaned him up with a small towel. you helped him get under the covers as he curled in on himself, waiting patiently for you to come back you instantly engulfed him in your arms when you did come back, whispering praises in his ear and thanking him for the surprise he soon fell asleep in your arms, and in that moment as he slept, curling into you peacefully, did you know there's no where else you'd rather be.

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