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Anonymous asked:hi! i would rlly love to give u a story plot but i'm

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Anonymous asked:
hi! i would rlly love to give u a story plot but i'm. super unoriginal WOOPS, but can i please request for sub!yoongi with pegging and just.. intense whining or moaning 👀 but thank u either way hAHA i lov u!!! :D ( no homo )

summary - needy!yoongi having a little pegging sesh before bed.
warnings - sub!yoongi, dom!reader, pegging, begging, sleepy!yoongi, pwp, aftercare, fluff, smut

yoongi mewled pathetically as you pulled his hips back onto yours. his mouth was agape in open mouthed moans as you continued to snap your hips into his. "s-so good," he moaned, hips pushing back on their own.

you leant down and placed kisses on his neck, eventually sucking harsh hickies onto his porcelain skin. "m-mommy, fuck-" he whined, hips jerking towards your own as he approached his high. "you're taking it so good, baby." he whined at the compliment, hiding his face. he was so much more vocal this time, and you basked in the way he would be so responsive to all of your touches.

you gripped his hips tight enough to leave bruises as you hurried the fake cock inside of him, touching the spot inside of him that had him sinking his nails into your shoulders. "right t-there!" he could help but scream at the overwhelming sensation.
you smirked once you found the spot that made him go crazy, and angled your hips so you could hit that spot repeatedly. he gasped as you continued to abuse his prostate, nails coming down rather to scratch at your back, dragging his nails up and down your skin.

"cum- a-ah, gonna cum- please-" he was barely able to string together a sentence as your hips pounded into his. his eyes rolled back and his mouth opened in a pleasure filled scream. he clenched onto you as he came, whining and whimpering in your neck about how good he felt as cum made a mess on both of your stomachs.

you pulled out of him carefully, and looked down at him. he was such a mess under you. "let's get you cleaned up, hm?" you asked rhetorically, and began the process of aftercare.

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