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Anonymous asked:Hello, do you accept requests with a few of the 100 smut dialogue prompts? If yes, could I request sub!Jisung (from skz) with the prompts 22 + 55 + 75? As for the plot maybe the reader is busy working the whole day and kinda neglec...

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Anonymous asked:
Hello, do you accept requests with a few of the 100 smut dialogue prompts? If yes, could I request sub!Jisung (from skz) with the prompts 22 + 55 + 75? As for the plot maybe the reader is busy working the whole day and kinda neglects Jisung & he's trying to get her attention and that's how he ends up in that situation? I'm sorry my brain still isn't working properly, it's hard to come up with a plot🥺 thanks in advance! If you don't accept requests with the prompts then just ignore my request :)

22 — "Look at you, I've just started using my fingers hand and you're already shaking."
55 - "Well, since you want to cum so badly, why don't we see how many times I can make you cum right now."
75 - "You know, you look real pretty when you cry."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing - jisung x reader
genre - smut
summary - you had to catch up on a lot of work at home, and jisung wated your attention
warnings - sub!jisung, dom!reader, masturbation, handjobs, punishments, crying, overstimulation, manipulation (slight), manipulation, a really bad pun
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"in a minute, jisung. i'll tend to you in a minute." you told him, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose. he just huffed a breath out of his nose and sighed, continuing to play on his phone. that was the same answer you'd given him for the past two hours now, and quite frankly, he was getting tired of it.

he'd don't everything in the book he could think of the stop you from doing your work, but nothing seemed to work. he got bored of his phone, and laid down on the sofa in your home office.

he smiled devilishly when an idea came into his head. standing up, he got up and left the room, heading for your and his shared bedroom. slowly, he begins to remove his clothing, starting with his shirt, and slowly moving down to his pants. thoughts of you fueled his rebellion, only serving to make his pants tighter as he laid on the bed.

he took a deep breath, hesitating and halting his movements when he hovered his hands over the tent building in his underwear. 'was this really what he wanted to do?' he thought, biting his lip in contemplation. you took a deep breath and went for it, pressing his hand down on his cock, and an instant wash of relief flooded over him.

he always had been sensitive and responsive to touch, especially when he's needy, which explains why with every touch of his palm, he was moaning out. he chewed on his bottom lip, and lifted up slightly to pull his underwear off.

gingerly, he wrapped a hand around himself, making sure to pump himself slowly to draw out long, ear catching moans.
you heard his moans all the way into your office. you chuckled to yourself as you continued to listen to them, taking your glasses off to sit them on your desk. you stood up and walked towards the source of the noises, ending up if your and jisung's shared bedroom.

you walked in and immediately, he stared you down, holding eye contact with you as he continued to touch himself and moan out your name. "and to think i was going to give you a reward if you were behaved while i was working. tsk." you told him, shaking your head in mock disappointment.

you walk over to him in short but powerful strides, sitting beside him on the bed. his eyes were wide as he calculated your moments, trying to figure out what was in store for him next. he removed his own hands from his cock, allowing you to take the lead — and you did so, moving your hand at a pace much faster than the one he allowed himself previously.

he was so needy and sensitive that he bucked into you hand almost immediately after you touched him. it didn't take long for you to have him shivering with each and every touch. "look at you. i've barely used my hands yet and you're already shaking." you tease, watching as he pants heavily.

"p-please — fuck — so g-good," he was barely able to mutter a sentence without moans interrupting him. "you gonna cum like this, ji? so sensitive from only my hand." you told him, reaching up with your hands to tweak his nipples. "y-es, gonna cum-" his hips bucked into your hand so quickly now, signaling just how close he was to his release.

"cum, ji." you allowed him to do so. he shivered and screamed out a moan as he came, painting your hand in white stripes of cum. he was panting hard and heavy, and when he realized you weren't stopping, he looked down in alarm.

"well, since you wanted to cum so badly, why don't we see how many times i can make you cum right now?" you smiled mockingly at him. he just whined and writhed under you as you continued, tears pricking at his eyes.

"i'm sure you can come just a few more times for me? since you wanted to disobey me, this is your punishment, baby." you told him, removing your hands from his sensitive nipples to hold down his bucking hips.

you could practically see the pain of overstimulation melt into pleasure when he closed his eyes tight, and gripped the sheets even tighter. we he reopened his eyes, he was gasping, choking on moans of his own as he began to get close again. the tears that were held behind his eyes finally fell, spilling and crashing against his cheeks in waves. "you know, you look real pretty when you cry." you told him, wiping away a stray tear.

you could feel his cock twitch in your hand, and you knew he was close again. he struggled to form a sentence as he shook, opting to let out open mouthed moans instead. "you can cum, baby." you told him, rubbing a thumb over the sensitive part of his tip. that was enough to make him fall apart. he came again, this time the load was smaller than the last.
again, you never slowed down. "you can do one more for me, can't you? make me happy?" you persuaded, and he nodded, biting his lip as he watched you continue. he was finally getting the attention he wanted.

unstableaine this is just like the request you sent me, minus and adding a few things. would you like me to redo it or something?

(nothing with noona kink since i recently found out it's disrespectful)

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