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Summary - namjoon couldn't help but think of you while you were away, and didn't expect you to come back so soon

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Summary - namjoon couldn't help but think of you while you were away, and didn't expect you to come back so soon. confessions were made and secrets were spilled.
warnings - sub!namjoon, dom!reader, pillow-riding, mommy kink, aftercare, smut, fluff, masturbation
also, there's not enough sub!joonie on this site.


namjoon couldn't help but let his hand trail down to his pants, palming the forming tent there. you had only went out for a minute, so he had to be quick. he was getting hard at the mere thought of you, your voice, your body, the way you'd touch him...
breathy whimpers tumbled past his lips as he moved his hand faster. he knew he'd never be able to get himself off without some type of assistance. he was desperate, really desperate. he grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be a pillow, and mounted it.

the rough material of his boxers contrasting with the soft material of the pillow rubbing on his erection had him moaning out. his hips moved skillfully atop the pillow.

"please, please, please." he begged to no one in particular. "y/n- fuck." he cursed, his high approaching quickly. "fuck- mommy." he moaned out. he didn't have time to be surprised at the word that came past his lips in a moan, it just felt /right/. with a drawn out grunt, he was coming, coating his boxers in the sticky, warm, ivory white substance.

"'mommy', hm?" you asked, standing by the doorway. namjoon instantly stilled. "i-i'm sorry," he looked down in shame and embarrassment, and if you didn't know better, there were tears glistening in his warm eyes.

"so you'd like to call me 'mommy'?" you asked. you got no response form him. "i can guess that you also prefer being taken care of?" you pushed yourself off of the frame and walked towards him, using your thumb and forefinger to tilt his chin up.
"it's okay, joonie." you told him, "i-i know you must think it's disgusting, and-" you kissed him softly. "i don't think it's disgusting, in fact we are into the same things. now, let me take care of you, joon." you told him softly, your hand finding his cock, which was slowly getting hard again.

"want me to help you?" you asked him softly, slowly palming him. "y-yes please." he whimpered. you pushed him back in the bed, straddling him. you slowly pulled down his boxers, and sprang up. it was pretty, tip a harsh red and glistening with cum.
he whimpered at the feeling of the cool air coming in contact with him cock. "so beautiful, joon." you praised, running your hands up and down his sides. you wrapped a hand around him, giving his cock a few quick pumps. you stripped yourself of your clothing, and he watched with lustful eyes.

once more, you lifted yourself above him, lining him up with your entrance. gently, you slid down until he was fully inside of you. he moaned at the feeling of your warm, tight, pussy clenching around him.

"m-mommy, please." he moaned, cheeks tinted with a pretty pink blush. slowly at first, you moved your hips, up and down, gaining speed as you went. "you sound so pretty for me, joon." you leant down and began littering his neck in hickies.

his moans were beautiful as he neared closer to another orgasm. you were getting close too, his moans paired with how well he was stretching you out was almos too much to handle. "fuck, joon, you stretch me out so well." you moaned, beginning to clench around him.

"g-gonna cum," he moaned, hands gripping the sheets tightly. your legs spasmed slightly as you came, soaking his cock in cum.
he came only a second later, filling you up with his cum. you lifted yourself off of him. you made short work of getting a wet towel to clean him up. "c'mon, joon, we gotta shower." you tried to get him to get up and follow your to the bathroom.

"no. after a nap, for now i want cuddles." he muttered, opening his arms. you rolled your eyes but got in bed with him anyway. "i'm sorry you had to find out about my ... kinks like that." he told you as you wrapped your arms around him.

"it's okay, watching you hump that pillow was pretty hot." you kissed his neck teasingly and he whined. "get some rest, joonie. i'll finsh teasing you when we wake up." you told the boy, rubbing his tummy soothingly.

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