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Anonymous asked:hey! can you write pegging jungkook? like if you're out with friends and he's doing little things like rest his elbow on the girls shoulder bc she's shorter, jokingly showing that he's the dominant one, and then when they get home ...

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Anonymous asked:
hey! can you write pegging jungkook? like if you're out with friends and he's doing little things like rest his elbow on the girls shoulder bc she's shorter, jokingly showing that he's the dominant one, and then when they get home it's fun giggling sex? thank you!

hi here's an edit: i'm a dumbass and accidentally left out the pegging part🤦🏾‍♀️ i'm sorry about that!
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- jungkook x reader
genre - smut
summary - jungkook seems like the dominant outside of your relationship, but behind closed doors, it's a whole other ordeal
warnings -sub!jungkook, dom!reader, dry humping, teasing, just a fluffy smut
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

you gave a fake smile to your friends as jungkook leaned onto you, projecting the dominance everyone thought he had. jungkook was taller than you, so that was only another reason people thought he dominated you. the thought was absolutely laughable once you saw what went on behind closed doors

you and jungkook just laughed along as he put his arm on your shoulder, jokingly displaying dominance. your friends just smiled at the cute action, eyes twinkling as they picked apart the way you two interacted.

it wasn't long before the group parted, saying their goodbyes and going to their own home. you and jungkook were the third to leave, saying goodbye to the last of your friend group.

the ride home was peaceful, filled with laughter and inside jokes. when you both got home it was no different, you spent some of your night eating and watching movies on the couch, which unsurprisingly brought you to where you are now.
jungkook was cuddled into your side lovingly and under a blanket as you watched the movie. he had picked out fifty shades of gray. and while the movie had a good plot, it had tones of suggestive and sex scenes.

jungkook's face became inflamed as one of the many sex scenes came onto the screen. "you okay, kook?" you teased, knowing exactly what the problem was. you nudged him jokingly. he pulled the blanket off just enough to show the tent growing in his pants.

you laughed lightly and straddled him, grinding on his bulge in the process. he groaned at the friction. "and our friends think you're the dom." you said, rolling your eyes as you placed kisses on his neck. "s-shut up and help m-me." he stuttered. "okay, okay. don't get too impatient." you teased, letting your hands roam around his body.

you kissed his exposed collarbone as you tugged on his gray sweatpants, pulling them down just enough to gain access to where he needed your touch most. you rolled your hips roughly and watched as pleasure washed over him in waves. "you like this, baby boy?" you asked as you continued to roll, using your hand to tilt his head up so he could look at you. he noticed your piercing and dominant stared, and answered you immediately. "y-yes, f-fuck, i love i-it." he stuttered. you smirked at his answer. "do you think i can make you cum like this, baby? make you cum in your pants like such a needy baby?" you asked teasingly.

"y-yes, gonna cum in m-my pants just f-for you." he groaned, his hands moving to grip your hips tightly. the friction from his underwear rubbing against him, paired with the way your hips moved proved to be too much as his eyes rolled back. his cock twitched. "i'm c-coming, fuck-" he mumbled in a whisper. you continued to move your hips rapidly, and with a moan he came. the warmth of his cum filled his boxers immediately, making him whimper in submission.

you stop moving your hips and got off of him. you pulled his boxers down slowly, careful not to make him over sensitive, and used a stray piece of clothing to clean him up. you got up to get him a fresh pair, and helped him put them on when you returned.

the moment you sat back down with him, he pulled you so he was laying on top of you. "kook we need to go bathe-" you began, attempting to get yourself out of his grip. "no, what we need to do is cuddle. we can bathe in the morning." he argued, laying his head on your chest and wrapping arms around you so you were unable to move.


"no. cuddles."

"okay." you mumbled and accepted the fact that you weren't going anywhere any time soon.

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