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summary - in which felix and his domme try out rimming for the first time

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summary - in which felix and his domme try out rimming for the first time.
warnings - rimming, sub!felix, dom!reader, needy!felix, shy!felix, aftercare, fluff

"c-can we try something?" felix's nervous voice asked form his seat beside you only our bed. "of course babyboy." you told him, smiling softly to encourage him. he twiddled with his fingers for a moment, thinking about how to ask you.

"can we ... can we try rimming?" he asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. you were silent, not expecting his words. he took your silence as declining and instantly backed up his statement. "no, no, we don't have to! it was just a suggestion..." he let his words trail off at the end, avoiding to look at you.

"babyboy, i didn't say no." you told him, using a finger to tilt his head up. his eyes glinted with hope and relief. you kissed him, pulling him swiftly into your lap. you kissed down his jawline, placing soft kisses on his soft skin. you sucked a hickey into his skin, the love bite that formed was a stark contrast to his pale skin.

you continued to suck and nip at his skin, relishing in the beautiful whines and moans he let out everytime a new love bite was being formed. "fuck, y/n, i need you-" he cut himself off with a moan. "i-i'm clean 'n prepped, i need you so bad." he said, subtly grinding his erection on your thigh.

"undressed, face down, ass up." you whispered in his ear. he hurried to get undressed and follow your directions. you got behind him and spread his thighs, making him gasp in surprise. you placed small kisses on his sensitive thighs, making him whimper in submission. "so sensitive." you whispered softly, laughing quietly as he whimpered again.

you slowly made your way up to his cheeks, spreading them slowly. "ready?" you asked him. "y-yes!" he told you. you smirked to yourself, and placed small kisses on his hole as he clenched in excitement and anticipation.

you used your tongue to lick around him, testing his reactions. he moaned at the feeling of your tongue on him, hips already beginning to buck. unexpectedly, you plunged your tongue inside of him, causing him to cry out in absolute pleasure.

you set a small rhythm, swapping between kissing, licking, and sucking, systematically. he was putty in your hands, pushing his hips back on your mouth, moaning as you went deeper, making his back arch.

his cock was twitching as it lay neglected on his tummy. "f-fuck! mommy!" he moaned, hips bucking sporadically. "don't stop!" his arms gave up on him and he allowed himself to fall into the pillows, moaning and whining as he came to an orgasm. "s-so close, please, please, please." he begged, voice muffled by the sheets.

his thighs twitched, and his tummy clenched, and he was oh-so-close to coming. tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt pure euphoria. "please, mommy, may i cum?" he asked, his voice was stuttery and broken. "mhm." you mumbled as you continued to eat him out. the vibrations from your voice that pulsed through him pushed him over the edge.

he came with a cry and shout, shaking as he came untouched, ivory white ropes of cum spraying onto the sheets. you pulled away as he collapsed onto the matress. you got a towel to clean both you and him up and dispose of sheets.

you pulled him under the covers with you as you cuddled him. "you did so well for me, baby; you took it so well." you told him softly, running a hand through his hair." thank you," he said before pausing. "i have to repay you for that in the morning." he said sleepily as you kissed his forehead. "whatever you want, baby. for now, get some rest." you told him, caressing his arms softly. he just nodded before sprucing his head farther into your chest, breathing steady and slow. "goodnight, lixie." you whispered before going to sleep yourself

so you're telling me we have another bang bang con live and we have to pay?  i-

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