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Anonymous asked:hi!! i saw that your requests are open! can i request soft cute chub yoongi wearing lingerie for his domme bc she had a bad day 👉👈 also can i have some praising + kitten kink in 🥺🖤 hope this doesnt sound too much i just love su...

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Anonymous asked:
hi!! i saw that your requests are open! can i request soft cute chub yoongi wearing lingerie for his domme bc she had a bad day 👉👈 also can i have some praising + kitten kink in 🥺🖤 hope this doesnt sound too much i just love sub yoongs a lot 😔😔 - QR :D .

i love this concept🥺
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
pairing- yoongi x reader
genre - smut
summary - yoongi notices how down you seem after you come home from work and tries to do everything he can to cheer you up.
warnings - sub!yoongi, dom!reader, cross dressing, pegging, fingering, praise, kitten kink
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

yoongi noticed from his spot on the couch when you came home that you seemed ... off. you were groggy, and from the look in your eyes you were kind of sad. he put his book on the table and walked over to you and engulfed you into a hug.

"hi. are you okay?" he asked once you pulled away from the hug. "i-i'm fine. just a bad day at work." you waved it off, instead walking to your shared bedroom to change your clothing.

yoongi followed you worriedly, biting his lip. he knew you were downplaying how you felt so he wouldn't worry too much. once you were in comfy clothes, yoongi decided to speak up.

"c-can you lay down?" he asked, cheeks dusted with pink. "oh?" you smile at him and sit on the bed, laying back and propping yourself up on your elbows. normally, you initiated everything, but this time it seemed yoongi wanted to, which you had no problem with.

pulling a small bag down from his closet, he gave you one last look before going into the bathroom. he took a deep breath, and stripped himself of his clothing. he dug into the bag and pulled out some very lacy and provocative lingerie. he blushed just looking at it.

taking another deep breath, he put on the garments. it was a simple set, panties and a bralette. both baby blue, along with lacy choker that fit perfectly around his neck. he looked at himself in the mirror and his cheeks inflamed even more. swallowing, he pushed open the doors of the bathroom and stepped out into your view.

you looked over him with hunger in your eyes. you sat up completely and he walked forward. "i-i wanted to cheer you up ..." he said, still nervous about his ensemble. "and trust me kitten when i say you have ..." you tell him, pulling him by the waist to stop in between your legs.

a shiver went down his spine as he watched your features turn dark. "on the bed, on your back." you told him, gripping his hips. you stood up from your spot and he got onto the bed, laying on his back. you went to the closet and pulled out his favorite strap along with some lube.

you walk back over to him, pulling him by the thighs back towards you. you pour a generous amount of lube onto your fingers, and use your other hand to push the panties aside. he automatically puts his legs up, and you smile.

circling your fingers around his hole, you push two in, moving them slowly in and out. shaky breaths and whimpers left his lips at the feeling. you begin to move your fingers faster, scissoring them every few strokes. his cock twitched unser the soft material of the panties right as you found his sweet spot.

"c-close," he whined after a few minutes. you smirked and pulled your fingers out. he whined at the loss of contact. "you must've forgotten that i'm gonna fuck you, kitten." you state. moving to put on the strap.

you line up with his entrance, and push into him slowly, bottoming out. he whimpers at how full he feels. you pull out and push back into him, you keep a steady rhythm, watching as he lets out quiet moans and whimpers.

"you look so cute kitten, dressed in this pretty lingerie just to cheer me up." you state, moving your hips faster with every word. "so precious and good for me, kitten." you praise, watching as his face turns a pretty shade of pink to contrast the color of the lingerie.

you hand finds its way to his neck. where his pretty lacy choker was. with shaky hands, yoongi pulled your hand to fully sit on his throat. you gave an experimental squeeze and he bit his lip.

you smirked down at him. "so cute." you said, hips snapping into his. "s-so close." he moaned, head tilting back. "you're going to cum like this kitten." you state, punctuating your words with a sharp thrust. "you're going to stain those pretty little panties for me and cum." you tell him, once again punctuating your words with a thrust that touched his prostate.

he came immediately, the front of the panties staining with ivory white cum. you helped him ride out his orgasm before pulling out completely. you put the strap on to the side, and began to tend to yoongi. you wipe him down with a small cloth.

"i'll be right bac-"

"no." yoongi says, pulling you back towards him.

"you made me feel good, now i want to make you feel good." he says, fingers trailing down your stomach to your heat. "as you wish, baby boy." you tell him, allowing him to take his time in pleasuring you.

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