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Anonymous asked:Can you do a one-shot about Hyunjin jerking off to y/n's scent on her sweatshirt that she left at the dorm and then y/n comes back to get it and see's him jerking off and complete turns into a dom 🤤

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Anonymous asked:
Can you do a one-shot about Hyunjin jerking off to y/n's scent on her sweatshirt that she left at the dorm and then y/n comes back to get it and see's him jerking off and complete turns into a dom 🤤

summary - hyunjin gets a little too attached to your sweatshirt.
warnings - sub!hyunjin, dom!reader, masturbation,humiliation(?), praise, fluff, smut, aftercare

to say that hyunjin had a crush on you was an understatement. his heart thumped rapidly everytime you were in the same room as him, and he'd almost pass out every time you touched him. anyone with eyes could see that he wanted you, including you. you reciprocated the feelings but wanted to tease him a bit more before you admitted that, though.

it was a sunday; their off day. felix, jisung, minho, and seungmin were out getting something to eat. chan, jeongin, and changbin opted to practice, and hyunjin opted to stay home. you decided to meet up with some friends, so you were getting ready to go to leave.

"i'm off to a friends house, hyunjin. i'll be back in about an hour or so." you smiled at him. he returned the smile, and you grabbed your water bottle to head out the door. hyunjin let out a breath he didn't know he was hold once you were out of the door. he waited a few minutes or so until you were gone for good before he made his move.

he got up and went into your room, looking for his favorite sweatshirt of yours. he looked around your room for a bit until he found it hung up in your closet. he pulled the baby blue sweatshirt down, and took it to his room. once in his own room and on his bed, he pulled his own shirt off, and slipped the sweatshirt over his head. the sweatshirt swallowed him up, and made him look so small. he sighed at the scent of the sweatshirt.

you smelled of vanilla and his favorite candy and he loved it. he let his thoughts wonder to you, and he smiled. he thought of the way you'd smile after helping someone out, or how you'd laugh at all the jokes that were told. eventually he found his thoughts going south.

he remembers last summer when you went swimming with them, and he saw you in that swimsuit ... he lets his hands wonder down to his pants as they tighten at the thought. there was hesitation as he cupped himself, thinking about how wrong it was to touch himself in your sweatshirt. he bit his lip, but continued nevertheless. he raised the sweatshirt slightly, exposing the small of his stomach, and pushed his joggers down.

his boxers were stained wet with precum as more thoughts of you flooded his mind. he inhaled more of your scent as he freed his hard cock from his boxers. the head was dripping precum before he began to touch himself. he let himself get lost in your scent ashe touched himself, slowly moving his hand up and down his shaft. "y/n..." he moaned as he sped up the pace.
you were about 35 minutes into your trip at your firends house before you realized you forgot your sweatshirt. "i'll only be gone five minutes to go get it, i'll be right back." you told your friend, hurrying to go back to the dorms to retrieve your item of clothing.

you got back to to the dorms in no time, walking in to immediately look for your sweatshirt. as you walked deeper towards the hall, what sounded like moans caught your attention. stealthily, you walked towards the source of the sounds and they led you right to hyunjin's room. you slowly opened the door as to not let him know you were there, and the sight you were met with surprised you.

hyunjin was wearing your sweatshirt, and touching himself. "f-fuck, y/n-" he babbled, throwing his head back as he bucked his hips into his hands. "p-please," he moaned out again. you felt yourself getting aroused at the sight of him moaning out for you in your sweatshirt. you'd never seen him so deliciously submissive, and you basked in the view of him.

you opened the door fully, and it creaked as you stood next to the door way. he stopped touching himself, and did the best he could to cover himself. his cheeks blushed wildly, and his eyes became glossy in embarrassment. "i'm so so sorry, y/n! i shouldn't have done it and-" his eyes were shut tight as he rambled out an apology, but he was shushed by your hand on his thigh.

"it's okay, hyunjinnie. want me to help you?" you offered, hands moving up and down his smooth thighs. "please." he mumbled, watching as you took ahold of his cock. it was red and rock hard, all for you. you pinned his hands above his head as you moved your hand up and down his shaft. he moaned softly as you continued and kissed his neck.

"so hard for me, right? so good." you said, speeding up your hand. "j-just for you," he confirmed, squirming as you teased the slit of his cock with your thumb. you continued these motions, occasionally twisting your wrist. his head was hidden in your shoulder, and his hands clenched and unclenched around nothing.

his abdominal muscles clenched as he got closer and closer. "you're close already hm? just from me touching you like this." his hips bucked rapidly into your hand. "yes miss, so, so close. may i cum?" he asked permission before letting go completely. you kissed his lips. "cum for me, jinnie." you said, watching as thick ropes of cum spurted from his cock and landed in and on your hand. "fuck- you did so good, hyunjinnie. came so good for me." you praised him as he came down from an intense high.

you used a random article of clothing to clean him and your hand up. you helped him put his boxers back on and cover him. "are you okay?" you asked him. he nodded his head as he latched onto you. "do you want me to leave?" you asked, unsure if he wanted you to stay or go. "please don't go, please." he begged, cuddling you tighter. "okay, okay, i'm not going." you chuckled and held him tight. "do you ... do you like me?" he asked. "or did you just help me because you walked in..." he let his sentence trail. "no, i like you, jinnie. have for a while." you admitted.

he smiled into your shoulder and you kissed his forehead. "now get some sleep, jinnie. we can talk more in the morning." you whispered softly. he nodded slightly and continued to shrug off to sleep.

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